Food & Drink

Recipe of the Week: Mini Lemon Meringue Whoopie Pies

These bite-sized bits of sunshine will brighten up your winter

By Compiled by Sarah Dotson November 30, 2015



As the colder months progress and autumn turns to winter, you may find yourself craving the bright flavor of citrus. Portland-based food writer and award-winning pastry chef Ellen Jackson released her cookbook The Lemon Cookbook: 50 Sweet & Savory Recipes to Brighten Every Meal this year and it may be just the thing to offset the heavy flavors of the season.

In her recipe for mini lemon meringue whoopie pies with a delish lemon curd filling, Jackson combines two beloved desserts–whoopie pies and lemon meringue–to create one delightful confection. There’s no doubt that these sweet and tangy bites will have you coming back for seconds.

Mini Lemon Meringue Whoopie Pies with Lemon Curd Filling

Makes about 2 dozen whoopie pies

½ cup granulated sugar

¼ cup light brown sugar

3 egg whites, at room temperature

¼ teaspoon cream of tartar

Pinch kosher salt

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

2/3 cup (½ recipe) Lemon Curd (recipe follows)

Preheat oven to 200 degrees F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.

Put the granulated and brown sugars in the bowl of a food processor. Pulse in short bursts until they are well incorporated and finely ground. Set aside.

Put the egg whites in the clean, dry bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, or a clean, dry bowl that can be used with an electric handheld mixer. (If there is even a speck of egg yolk, oil, or water in the bowl or the whites, they won’t stiffen.) Begin mixing on medium-low speed. When the whites are frothy, add the cream of tartar and salt and continue beating for about 2 minutes, or until the whites are thick and foamy. Increase the speed to medium-high and add the sugar mixture slowly, about 1 tablespoon at a time. When all the sugar is incorporated, increase the speed to high, whipping until stiff, shiny peaks form, about 10 minutes. Add the vanilla and beat until just blended, about 5 seconds.

Spoon the meringue into a pastry bag fitted with a plain 1/2-inch tip or ziplock bag with one corner snipped off. Hold the bag perpendicular to the baking sheet and pipe small flat disks, about 1 ¼ inches in diameter and ¼ inch high. Bake until the meringues are dry and crisp, about 1 ½ hours. Turn off the oven and leave them there to cool completely.

To assemble the cookies, arrange half the meringues flat side up on a baking sheet. Put the chilled curd in a clean pastry bag fitted with a plain ½-inch tip or another ziplock bag with one corner snipped off. Pipe about 2 teaspoons onto each meringue. Gently press the remaining meringues flat side down into the curd. As they sit, the meringues will become softer and chewier.


Lemon Curd  

Makes about 11/3 cups curd

1 cup sugar

¼ cup coarsely chopped lemon zest (from 4 medium lemons)

6 egg yolks

½ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (from 2 medium lemons)

6 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into small pieces

½ teaspoon kosher salt

Prepare a water bath for the curd: Fill a medium pan with a few inches of water and bring the water to a simmer. Keep the water simmering over low heat while you cook the curd.

In a nonreactive bowl that is small enough to fit inside the pan with the water, whisk together the sugar, zest, and egg yolks. (Do this quickly: if you wait, the mixture will coagulate.) Place the bowl over the pan and whisk continuously until the sugar dissolves. Add the lemon juice and, still whisking, cook for about 5 minutes, until the mixture begins to thicken very slightly. Add the butter and salt, then switch to a spatula and stir constantly until the mixture is thick and opaque, with a consistency between yogurt and sour cream, about 10 more minutes. The curd will register approximately 170 degrees F on an instant-read thermometer.

Strain the curd through a fine-mesh sieve into a clean bowl and cover with plastic wrap, placing it directly on the surface to prevent a skin from forming. Refrigerate until firm, about 1 hour.


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