The Giant Penis Navy Pilots Drew in the Sky is Now a Popular Christmas Ornament

After online sales opened, the unlikely holiday decoration quickly sold out.

By Danny Sullivan December 6, 2017



For better or worse, one of the weirdest Washington news stories of the year can be relived during the holidays.

Commemorating the most prurient flight stunt in recent memory, an online company is selling a Christmas ornament of the giant penis Navy pilots drew in the sky above northern Washington last month.

Manufactured by Planeform, which specializes in aviation-themed novelty items, the ornament shows a plane in flight as it finishes drawing a rigid contrail in the shape of male genitalia.

For those who may have missed it, the inspiration for this festive decoration appeared above Okanagan County on Nov. 16 after Navy pilots from Whidbey Island Naval Air Station flew an EA18-G Growler jet over the county, leaving the unmistakable shape behind. Many residents quickly documented the enormous phallus and it became widely shared on social media.

Naturally, Navy brass wasn’t amused by the pilots’ actions. Two aviators were reprimanded after the incident, though the exact nature of their punishment was not made public.

Planeform’s Christmas ornament quickly sold out and is currently unavailable. The company prides itself on its accurate depictions of military aircraft, and it has brought the same level of craft to capturing the work of these real-life American Vandals.


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