Seattle Mag

'Luzia' by Cirque du Soleil Reliably Delivers the Wow Factor

‘Luzia’ by Cirque du Soleil Reliably Delivers the Wow Factor

Three reasons to see Cirque du Soleil’s 'Luzia'

Though Ringling Brothers will close permanently this May, indeed the circus lives on. Here are three reasons to catch Cirque du Soleil’s latest production, Luzia, billed as an “acrobatic waking dream of Mexico.” The production runs through May 21st at Marymoor Park, and takes place in the company’s travelling home venue, its trademark blue and…

TEST: 深具国际魅力的西雅图

根据 《 西雅图时报 》的消息,本地区已确确实实成为中国买家群里最抢手的美国房地产市场。买家们对西雅图地区的兴趣日益浓厚的原因,部分是因为温哥华的政策变化。温哥华对外国购房者征收15%的税,该政策于2016年8月颁布,并立即生效实施。温哥华对外国买家的房地产销售量因此暴跌,西雅图随即成为焦点市场。 这是合情合理的现象。西雅图空气新鲜,教育和住房机会极佳,相比温哥华或旧金山等其它城市,西雅图的教育和住房价格尚可接受。除此之外,西雅图的文化,艺术,饮食和优美如画的周围美景,都使这城市的综合吸引力显而易见。 锦上添花的是西雅图塔科马国际机场有六个往返中国的直航航班,包括达美航空公司,海南航空公司以及新近开通的厦门航空公司每周多次的直航服务。2014年,达美航空甚至宣布将西雅图做为其西海岸中心据点和通往亚洲的门户。 美国企业也对中国市场倍感兴趣。 星巴克计划在未来五年扩展在中国的业务,其在中国的业务甚至要超过美国市场。同时,我们的航空,技术,食品和保健部门的增长和盈利都和中国市场密不可分。 为什么西雅图,贝尔维尤和普吉特湾地区终究是您的最佳选择?和其他人加入我们日益国际化都市的原因一样:这里繁荣,安全,美丽,令人振奋,而且最重要的是,这是一个可以称为 “家” 的地方。所有这些因素综合起来,使西雅图大都会地区成为了众望所归的选项。 不管您是刚刚落户此地还是想要搬到西雅图,贝尔维尤或普吉特湾大地区,这本杂志都是为您量身打造的。它由拥有50年历史的 Seattle magazine (《西雅图》杂志) 发行出版。请允许我们带您了解这个优秀的城市。 《璀璨奢逸西雅图》将使您振奋,为您带来信息,激发您的动力,并且,在时机成熟时,欢迎您成为西雅图或贝尔维尤的一员。通过这本杂志,您将知道值得探索的社区,更好地了解全球化与西雅图的联系,以及体验轻逸奢华的生活,享受最怡人的风景和最美妙的葡萄酒。 很荣幸为您打造《璀璨奢逸西雅图 》杂志;欢迎您享受我们的杂志和城市。    

Seattle's Apartment Boom Offers New Living Options

Seattle’s Apartment Boom Offers New Living Options

As it transforms neighborhoods, Seattle’s apartment boom offers a surplus of options like rooftop gardens, chicken coops and more

Apartment-dwellers in South Lake Union’s six-story Amli can enjoy the 3,000 square foot rooftop garden

Best Pocket Neighborhoods: Lakewood Park

Best Pocket Neighborhoods: Lakewood Park

Elsewhere in Seattle, old and new housing stand side by side

Best Pocket Neighborhoods: Whittier Heights

Best Pocket Neighborhoods: Whittier Heights

Goodies from Rosellini’s (formerly Honoré Artisan Bakery)

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Best Pocket Neighborhoods: Endolyne

An eager client at Canine Casa groomers

Best Seattle Neighborhoods Without a Car

Best Seattle Neighborhoods Without a Car

In some Seattle neighborhoods, it’s easier than in others to live without owning a car

Alan Durning hasn’t owned a car for years. He often gets around by bike, hauling groceries in the cart where his kids used to ride

Best Pocket Neighborhoods: Mount Baker Park

Best Pocket Neighborhoods: Mount Baker Park

Making pizza at Mioposto

Why It's Hard to Find a Condo in Seattle

Why It’s Hard to Find a Condo in Seattle

New condos are hard to come by and that’s not likely to change anytime soon

Luma, one of the few new highrise condos built in recent years, sold out within months of completion

Next-Level Apartment Amenities

With so many apartment complexes competing for tenants, developers are getting creative when it comes to amenities. “We are absolutely upping our game,” says Amy Williams, regional development manager at Madrona Ridge Residential, the owner of the recently opened Angeline apartment building at the northern edge of Columbia City’s historic downtown. You’ll still find that…

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Best Pocket Neighborhoods: Lake Hills

The old Lake Hills Shopping Center, transformed into the mixed use Lake Hills Village

Best Pocket Neighborhoods: 19th Avenue E

Best Pocket Neighborhoods: 19th Avenue E

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