Food & Drink

Healthy Meals Planned For You

By Seattle Mag December 4, 2014



Resolving to eat healthier is often easier said than done—there are fresh foods to buy and prep, labels to scrutinize and menus to plan—in addition to your day job. Seattle startup Gatheredtable wants to do the heavy lifting for you, creating weekly custom menus and grocery lists and suggesting recipes based on your preferences. Users sign up online ($10 a month) and customize options from how many times a week they want a menu served to dietary preferences, which start out broad—vegetarian, paleo, omnivore—and lets you tweak further with items you want to exclude, such as shellfish or nuts, or what you’d like to see more of, such as squash, grains, certain meats, organics, etc. The company, begun by Starbucks alum Mary Egan, also has partnerships with a variety of grocery delivery services in the works. Currently, you can sign up for six months of free service.


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