Food & Drink

Instagram Inspiration: Pike Place Market

Instagram Inspiration is a column on that explores our favorite themes each week

By Kate Hofberg March 21, 2016

A collage of pictures of a market with fish, vegetables and flowers.


Even though the Pike Place Market is one of Seattle’s biggest tourist destinations, as a Seattle resident, it’s still one of my favorite spots to hang out in the city. 

At least once a week I treat myself to a passion fruit macaron and foamy cappuccino from Le Panier and spend the morning or afternoon wandering through the rows of the market vendor’s fragrant flowers, bright produce and fresh seafood. With live music that can most always be heard from local musicians, and sweeping views of Elliot Bay, I sometimes spend hours getting lost in the market labrynth of antique bookstores, candy shops and fish tanks holding live crabs. 

And when friends from out of town come to visit, I like to show off the tiles printed with the names of my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles on the market floor. 

Pike Place Market is a bustling and historic destination in our city, and whether I’m strolling through it alone, or with friends, I always seem to have a great time and see something new.

From the revival of the famed gum wall to the iconic pink glow of the public market sign, here’s a few great shots of Pike Place from Seattle Instagrammers to remind you just how awesome the market is. 

1. (Suqi Wu) Eileen
Instagram: @suqi970812

2. Pike Place Market
Instagram: @pikeplacepublicmarket

3. Dorian
Instagram: @dorito27

4. The Sweet Spot
Instagram: @sweetspotseattle

5. Jim Henkens


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