Food & Drink

Recipe of the Week: Smoked Sable Fish

Try this tasty recipe by Cedarbrook Lodge and get ready for our Pop! Bubbles & Seafood event

By Compiled by Sarah Dotson January 11, 2016



This week’s recipe is from Cedarbrook Lodge in anticipation of Seattle magazine’s 2nd annual Pop! Bubbles & Seafood event on Saturday, February 20, at McCaw Hall. Get ready to taste an array of seafood from some of Seattle’s favorite restaurants, including Anthony’s Pier 66, Copperleaf, Blind Pig Bistro and (of course) Cedarbrook. With those tasty seafood samples, wet your whistle with more than 40 sparkling wine pairings from around the world.

To gear up for this enticing event, consider getting an early jump on your seafood cravings with Cedarbrook’s smoked sable fish with English cucumbers, toasted beet granola and green apple yogurt. It’s just a taste of what you can expect at next month’s Pop! Bubbles & Seafood. Get your tickets now.


Smoked Sable Fish                                                                                                         

1lb Sable Fish Filet (skinned and cut into 3-ounce portions)        

1 Cup Fish Smoking Cure (recipe below)                                               

3 Cups Hickory Wood Chips

Green Apple Yogurt

4 Fresh Granny Smith Apples

8 Ounces Plain Greek Yogurt or Crème Fraîche                                                                  

Toasted Beet Granola                                                                                     

3 Medium Sized Red Beets (plus3 to 4 small beets for Roasting)   

1 Tablespoon Chia Seeds                                                                            

½ Cup Hazelnuts (chopped)                                                                     

¼ Cup Pepitas                                                                                                   

¼ Cup Sunflower Seeds                                                               

1 Tablespoon Butter (melted)                                                   

¼ Cup Honey                                                                                    

1 Teaspoon Five Spice   

For Plating

¼ Cup Diced Cucumber

¼ Cup Diced Apple

Roasted Beets cut in half

Thinly sliced ribbons of cucumber

Fish Smoking Cure

½ Cup Kosher Salt           

½ Cup Brown Sugar

1 Teaspoon Whole Coriander or Allspice

1 Tablespoon Whole Black Peppercorns                               


For The Smoked Sable Fish        

Begin by seasoning the sable fish with the cure. Cover the entire fish with smoking cure and refrigerate for 4 hours. After the fish has cured, rinse off the cure with cold water and pat fish dry with paper towels. Begin the smoking process by soaking the wood chips in water (10–15 minutes). Place wood chips in the smoker and heat. Once a good smoke has started place sablefish inside and smoke for 15 minutes. The smoking can also be done with an outdoor BBQ. Once the fish is smoked return to baking sheet for heating before plating.

Toasted Beet Granola

Start by slicing the beets, they need to paper thin in order to cook properly. Reserve sliced beets in cold water for 15 minutes, strain out the beets from the water and dry on paper towels. Heat a deep fryer to 325°F and fry beets for 2-4 minutes, until crispy. This can also be done over a stove by carefully heating 4 inches of canola oil in a large pot to 325°F and frying the sliced beets in a couple of batches. Allow the beets to cool on paper towels. Combine the hazelnuts, seeds, honey, butter and five spice and toss in a bowl to combine. Bake the mixture on greased baking tray for 15 minutes at 325°F. Remove from oven and toss with the beets chips while still warm. Allow mixture to cool completely.

Green Apple Yogurt

Juice three of the apples and dice up the remaining apple for garnishing the final dish. Reduce the apple juice down until you get a slightly thickened syrup. Refrigerate the reduction until completely cooled. The reduction can also be made with store bought apple juice, however the apple flavor will be slightly less pronounced. Combine the cooled reduction with 8 ounces plain Greek yogurt or softly whipped crème fraiche. Refrigerate until ready to use.

For Plating

Heat oven to 350°F and warm the smoked sablefish for 8 minutes, remove from oven and place onto serving plates. Toss apple and cucumber dices in olive oil and champagne vinegar. Separately toss roasted beets with the same mixture of olive oil and champagne vinegar. Sprinkle both beets and apples with fine herb. Quenelle green apple yogurt and place next to smoked fish, arrange roasted beets and apples around fish and yogurt, sprinkle the beet granola over smoked fish and garnish with the sliced beets and cucumber ribbons.



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