Food & Drink

Recipe of the Week: Three Ingredient Roasted Tomato Soup

Savor this simply delicious tomato soup by local food blogger Sarah Adler

By Compiled by Sarah Dotson December 28, 2015

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The feasting has ended, your pants are feeling a bit snug and you’re exhausted by the hours you’ve spent hovering over the stove.

Take a deep breath; the holidays are over and most likely, you don’t want to look at another sugar cookie or mash another potato ever again. Luckily, Sarah Adler, a local nutrition coach, healthy lifestyle expert and food blogger, offers an easy and nutritious recipe to help get you back on track for the new year. Her Three Ingredient Roasted Tomato Soup is amazingly simple, though it certainly isn’t lacking in the yummy department.

She recommends adding garlic, basil, spinach, chicken or organic sausage for a little something extra!

Makes 3 servings


8 roma tomatoes, sliced

2 cups baby tomatoes

2 leeks, sliced

2 cups organic chicken broth (or more)

sea salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 400 and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Toss tomatoes, baby tomatoes and leeks with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt and pepper.

Roast for 30 minutes, then let cool slightly. Blend with broth, and adjust seasonings as needed. Serve warm.


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