Seattle Culture

Top Docs ’10 Profiles: Virginia P. Sybert

By Elizabeth M. Economou December 31, 1969


Virginia P. Sybert, M.D.
Medical genetics and pediatric dermatology
Practice: Group Health Cooperative, University
of Washington Medical Center
Hospital affiliations: Group Health Cooperative, Overlake Hospital Medical Center, Seattle Children’s Hospital, University of Washington Medical Center
Medical degree: State University of New York at Buffalo

Why did you choose your specialty?

Peds and genetics, because they were the most exciting fields I could imagine. Dermatology, because genetics is [about] everything and I needed to narrow my clinical focus. I managed to fall into a career that allows me to do bread-and-butter and tiramisu medicine in the same lifetime.

Do you see any breakthroughs on the horizon regarding genetic skin disorders?

The field itself is on the cusp of major breakthroughs in gene and gene-product-replacement therapy. Some of this is still very much in the realm of science fiction, but some is truly coming down the pike now.

What’s the greatest risk you’ve taken recently?

Snorkeling in the Galapagos and riding my bike to work daily.

Originally published in July 2010


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