体验亚马逊生态圈及西雅图其它玻璃景点 Tour the Amazon Spheres and other Glass Attractions in Seattle


By Man Wang May 28, 2018


This article originally appeared in the Seattle Mandarin Guide 2018 西雅图中文生活方式指南 issue of Seattle magazine.



2018年1月29日,位于西雅图市中心的亚马逊总部,造价40亿美元的标志性建筑 Amazon Spheres(亚马逊球体生态圈)正式开放,造成极大的轰动。这些独特的玻璃钢筋球体自2016年其外部竣工以来,一直是西雅图最热门的拍摄景点之一。球体生态圈有时也被称为 “The Domes(圆顶屋)”,它们形似三个连体气泡,其中最大的是90英尺高、 130英尺宽。 生态圈里种有来自全球的400多个品种、合计约4万多株植物。这是通过将城市办公室与大自然联系起来、对工作场所重新进行思考的创新方式的建筑。生态圈内部设有瀑布,一条人工河和一座4层楼高的4,000平方英尺的生态墙。这是一个巨大的开放空间,里面没有封闭的办公室和会议室。亚马逊公司的员工可以在”树屋”和”巢穴”会议室(悬挂在40多尺高的树上)或者在瀑布旁边步道里的座椅上会面、研讨共事。

目前,只有在西雅图的亚马逊员工才能进生态圈里的主空间。但该公司也为公众提供了几种参观途径。 “The Understory”是位于生态圈底层的游客中心,提供360度沉浸式、互动式的建筑和植物景观。但这只是一个自助的博物馆式的展览,要体验室内花园的话,您可以利用每月两个周六对外开放的机会,或者加入有导游陪同的公司总部游览。免费参观,但需要预订。

Chihuly Garden and Glass(奇胡利花园和玻璃艺术馆)位于Seattle Center (西雅图中心),毗邻太空针塔,自2012年开业以来一直深得当地人青睐,同时也是不容错过的游客景点。世界著名的西雅图玻璃艺术家Dale Chihuly的作品集成于此,件件玻璃艺术品通过熔融的颜色而栩栩如生。

艺术馆的室内展廊、玻璃屋和花园会让您一路赞叹。八个室内展厅展示了艺术家Chihuly的经典作品。他的创作灵感来自Chihuly最爱的两座建筑——巴黎的Sainte-Chapelle(圣礼拜堂)和伦敦的Crystal Palace(水晶宫殿)。核心作品Glasshouse (玻璃屋)是一座自然采光的玻璃与钢的结构,其镇馆之宝为一个横跨屋顶、长达100英尺的红、橙、黄色巨型玻璃花朵。当您仰头欣赏这个镇馆之宝时,您会注意到太空针塔在上方隐约可见。在户外花园中,玻璃艺术与花卉和其它植物错落共存。


Image Credit:Alex Crook
位于Seattle Center的Chihuly Garden and Glass艺术馆内的”Persian Ceiling” (波斯天花板)是极具视觉冲击性的色彩大爆炸

Amazon Spheres Downtown Seattle; 2101 7th Avenue; seattlespheres.com

Understory访客中心: 周一至周六: 早10:00至晚8:00; 周日:早11:00至晚 7:00;seattlespheres.com/visit-understory;

Spheres Self-Guided Tour Reservation 生态圈自助游预约: seattlespheres.com/the-spheres-weekend-public-visits (每月有两个周六对外开放,需提前30天在网站预约)

HQ Tours Reservation总部导览预约: amazonhqtours.com

Chihuly Garden and Glass Seattle Center, 305 Harrison St.; 206.753.4940; chihulygardenandglass.com; 入场费: 成人 $24, 5-12岁; 小孩 $14

English Version

Glass Attractions
Two urban landmarks that you don’t want to miss in Seattle

Suddenly, glass domes are everywhere in Seattle. One is a corporate giant’s office space, and the other is an art museum, but they both provide equally engaging experiences and speak for and celebrate our region’s innovative nature and creative energy.

The Amazon Spheres, the signature showpiece of Amazon’s $4 billion downtown Seattle headquarters, officially opened on January 29, 2018, and to considerable excitement. These distinctive glass-and-steel spheres have been one of the most photographed spots in the city since the completion of the exterior in 2016. Sometimes called “The Domes,” they resemble three conjoined bubbles, the biggest of which is 90 feet tall and 130 feet wide. Home to some 40,000 plants that span more than 400 species from around the world, the Spheres are a result of an innovative way of rethinking the workplace by linking urban offices to nature. The interior features waterfalls, a river, and a four-story 4,000 square feet living wall. It’s a giant open space that has no enclosed offices and conference rooms. Amazonians can meet and collaborate in “treehouse” and “nest” meeting rooms (suspended under 40+ foot trees) or in walking paths and sitting paths alongside the waterfalls.

For now, only Amazon employees at the Seattle office can access the main space of the Spheres. But the company has provided a couple of options for the public to tour the space. “The Understory” is a visitor center at the base of the Spheres that provides a 360-degree immersive and interactive exhibit of the building and the plants. But this is only a self-guided, museum style exhibit. To see and experience the indoor gardens, you’ll need to join the company’s guided HQ tours. Admissions are free, but reservations are required.

Located next to Space Needle in Seattle Center, Chihuly Garden and Glass has become a local favorite and a not-to-miss spot for visitors since its opening in 2012. It houses world-renowned Seattle glass artist Dale Chihuly’s most comprehensive work. Here the exhibition comes alive through molten color.

You are guaranteed to wow your way through the indoor galleries, the Glasshouse, and the Garden. The eight indoor exhibition galleries showcase the artist’s signature works. Inspired by Chihuly’s two favorite buildings, Paris’ Sainte-Chapelle and London’s Crystal Palace, the center piece Glasshouse is a naturally lit glass-and-steel structure featuring a 100-foot red, orange, and yellow flower sculpture that sprawls across the ceiling. As you walk with head tilted back to admire this statement piece, you will also see the Space Needle looming above. In the outdoor Garden, glass art is intermingled with flowers and other plants.

When you come to visit this glass wonderland, make sure to clear some space on your phone or camera for photos of every art piece, and of course selfies.
Amazon Spheres, Downtown Seattle; 2101 7th Avenue
Understory: Monday – Saturday 10:00 am – 8:00 pm; Sunday 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
HQ Tours Reservation: amazonhqtours.com
Chihuly Garden and Glass, Seattle Center, 305 Harrison St.; 206.753.4940; Admission: $24 adults, $14 children ages 5-12

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