四款华州制造的豪华礼品 Four Favorite Made in Washington Luxury Gift Ideas

挑选华州制造的奢华礼物, 送给家人、朋友和自己, 带回西雅图的美好回忆。

By Kate Calamusa May 28, 2018


This article originally appeared in the Seattle Mandarin Guide 2018 西雅图中文生活方式指南 issue of Seattle magazine.


本地香水达人Maria Christofilis推出的Fleur09 fragrance精致香水,提取植物精华,将西西里岛的黄色柑橘、卡拉布里亚的佛手柑和摩洛哥的橙花提取物混合,佐之以香草豆之吻。香水由人工倒入手工吹制的玻璃瓶,有100ml和美国运输安全管理局批准的 (TSA-approved) 50ml (200美元) 两种容量。可在Neiman Marcus奢侈品专卖店购买 (The Bravern, Bellevue, 11111 NE 8th St.; 425.452.3300; neimanmarcus.com; 或从mariachristofilis.com网上购买)。

真正的西雅图经典,手工吹制的Glassybaby蜡烛杯 (votive, 售价50美元) 不仅仅是送给朋友的贴心礼物,也是一桩有益生态的温馨交易,因为其中10% 的收益会用于公司的White Light Fund (白光基金),以造福人类、动物和地球。(多个售卖点,包括Bellevue, 10230 Main St.; 425.256.2927; glassybaby.com)。

西雅图本地的珠宝设计师Jamie Joseph,因其设计的原生有机宝石戒指而闻名于世。她的戒指同时拥有华丽的波希米亚风格和超凡脱俗的精致风格。Cameron Diaz、Naomi Watts和Kate Beckinsale都是她非凡珠宝的名星粉丝。多刻面的dendetric opal ring是这种风格的完美典范,这枚戒指由一颗闪闪发光的黑色钻石点缀,光芒四射。售价1,056美元,TWIST店有售 (市中心Pacific Place内,600 Pine St., Suite 130; 206.315.8080; twistonline.com)。

柔软又坚韧迷人的hobo皮包,由总部设在SoDo (西雅图市中心之南的街区)、享有盛名的Filson公司制作,这款皮包配有植物鞣皮革背带、内装口袋、以及经过特殊处理的防水绒面外皮。 售价650美元,可在Filson公司购买 (多个售卖点,包括SoDo, 1741 1st Ave. S; 206.622.3147; filson.com)。

English Version

Four Favorite Made in Washington Luxury Gift Ideas
Bring home a sweet remembrance of Seattle with these Washington-made luxury items perfect for gifting to family and friends—or even to yourself. 

Floral Bouquet
The exquisite Fleur09 fragrance from local perfumier Maria Christofilis captures the essence of a botanical garden with a blend of Sicilian yellow mandarin, Calabrese bergamot and Moroccan orange flower extracts, plus a kiss of vanilla bean. Hand-poured in a hand-blown glass flacon, the perfume is available in both 100ml and this TSA-approved 50ml size. $200, available at Neiman Marcus (The Bravern in Bellevue, 11111 NE 8th St.; 425.452.3300; neimanmarcus.com) or online from mariachristofilis.com.

By Candlelight
A true Seattle classic, a hand-blown Glassybaby votive (shown here in the “Luxury” colorway) is not only a thoughtful gift for a friend, but a sweet deal for the environment too, as 10 percent of the proceeds from each goes to the company’s White Light Fund to benefit people, animals and the planet. $50, from Glassybaby (Multiple locations, including Bellevue, 10230 Main St.; 425.256.2927; glassybaby.com).

Put a Ring On It
Seattle-based jewelry designer Jamie Joseph has become known nationally for her raw, organic stone rings that somehow manage to be both beautifully-bohemian and ultra-sophisticated at the same time. Cameron Diaz, Naomi Watts and Kate Beckinsale are notable fans of her extraordinary jewelry. A multi-faceted dendetric opal ring is the perfect example of such style, and is complemented by a shimmering black accent diamond. $1,056, available at TWIST (Downtown inside Pacific Place, 600 Pine St., Suite 130; 206.315.8080; twistonline.com).

Rugged Refinement
So soft, so supple: Crafted by the long-venerated Filson company headquartered in SoDo, this charming hobo bag is outfitted with vegetable-tanned leather straps, internal stow pockets and a specially-treated waterproof suede exterior. $650, from Filson (Multiple locations, including SoDo, 1741 1st Ave. S; 206.622.3147; filson.com).

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