拉斯维加斯遇见美西北:西雅图周边豪华赌场提供世界级的赌场游戏、餐饮及住宿 Luxury Casinos near Seattle: Las Vegas Meets the Northwest with World-Class Dining, Gaming and Lodging


By Jen Swanson May 28, 2018


This article originally appeared in the Seattle Mandarin Guide 2018 西雅图中文生活方式指南 issue of Seattle magazine.



这家赌场坐落在美丽的Snoqualmie山谷,由Snoqualmie印第安部落经营,是离西雅图和贝尔维尤最近的赌场。每天有班车在大西雅图地区周边接送客人,更加增强了其吸引力。此中心赌场配备了各种游戏机、餐饮、娱乐可供选择,广受客人的喜爱。为了吸引亚洲玩家,赌场特别提供了粤语和普通话的服务。这里不同风味的菜肴也迎合了不同人群的需求——从12 Moons Asian Bistro和Falls Buffet在周末供应的中式早茶,到颇有创意的Vista Prime Steaks and Seafood牛排海鲜大餐,让您在体验太平洋西北部餐饮风格的同时欣赏壮丽的山谷风光。51,000平方英尺的游戏大厅还设有54款经典的桌游,包括21点、轮盘赌、 双骰子和百家乐,单独的棋牌室里设有1,700台老虎机,气氛轻松活跃,媲美拉斯维加斯的纸醉金迷排场。Snoqualmie, 37500 SE North Bend Way; 425.888.1234; snocasino.com

Image Credit:Tulalip Resort Casino

这个热闹非凡的赌场由Tulalip印第安部落经营,距离西雅图市中心以北约一小时车程,所属度假酒店有370个客房 ,对想要享受拉斯维加斯风格周末的客人,这是理想去处。这里拥有50款以上的桌游,以及2,000多个老虎机,每月支付500万美元累积彩金,常客们公认在本地区此赌场享有最高中彩率。此赌场轻松活泼的娱乐项目、豪华的美疗设备、讲普通话的服务人员、通往附近高尔夫球场、高档奥特莱斯、西雅图和临近的Everett市的接驳车服务,都让大家对其情有独钟。赌场里的8个大小餐厅则提供了一流的就餐选择,从亚洲人钟爱的菜品系列,到露天明火烤制的Tulalip风味的新鲜三文鱼。在本文撰写时,主打牛排和意式美食的Tula Bene预计于2018年春末开张。酒店新装修的客房以其时尚的设计、先进的技术、以及令人惊叹的土著艺术,更丰富了客人的体验。赌场附近由Tulalip部落经营的文化中心(内设礼品店)则为想要了解更多关于Tulalip部落风俗的游客们提供了大量资源。Tulalip,10200 QuilCeda Blvd; 360.716.6000;tulalipresortcasino.com

Image Credit:Bill Milne
Parq Vancouver的Victor餐厅让您享受极致的经典北美牛排和海鲜体验 

Parq Vancouver
此赌场位于美加边界的温哥华,于2017年9月下旬开业。这一令人惊叹的物业为拉斯维加斯的Paragon Gaming公司和另外两个合伙业主所拥有。占地72,000平方英尺的赌场、灵活的办活动的空间、以及由当地树木造景的屋顶公园,巧妙地展现了太平洋西北的绝美。游戏区装有落地窗,并结合当代艺术进行设计,设有600台老虎机、75款桌游、一间棋牌室和11间VIP豪赌沙龙。由拉斯维加斯的Blau Associates经营的八间酒吧和餐厅给温哥华这个丰富多样的美食城添加了特别的明星效应(他们在拉斯维加斯经营Honey Salt和Buddy V’s Ristorante两家餐厅)。亮点餐厅包括:Victor,一家专门以海鲜和风景为特色的牛排馆;1886,一家广式餐厅,供应极具大陆特色的早茶;莲花,为中国客人打造的供应威士忌和茶的酒廊。除了配备了最新的一流设施,这一庞大的产业还包括两家豪华酒店。温哥华的第一家JW Marriott(万豪酒店)拥有一览美景的豪华客房,同时还配有豪华的美疗中心。讲究设计的客人则会非常欣赏The Douglas酒店,188间客房和套房都彰显着以太平洋西北部为灵感的城市风格;该酒店以当地著名的松树命名。Vancouver, BC, 39 Smithe Street, V6B 0R3; 604.683.7277; parqvancouver.com

English Version

Las Vegas, Northwest Style 
Indulge in luxurious casino experiences that offer world-class gaming, dining, lodging and entertainment within a three-hour drive of Seattle  

Even America’s first-time visitors have heard of Las Vegas, the storied Nevada strip known for its high-rolling lifestyle and lavish casinos. But fewer know that the Pacific Northwest is home to equally luxurious alternatives, each offering five-star facilities and world-class dining and entertainment with the added benefit of being 1,000 miles closer to home.  

Snoqualmie Casino 
Situated in the beautiful Snoqualmie Valley, this casino is operated by the Snoqualmie Native American Tribe, and is closest to Seattle and Bellevue; daily shuttles picking up guests from around Greater Seattle only adds to the appeal. With a diverse selection of gaming, dining, entertainment, this central place is popular with guests of all sorts, so much so that the casino has implemented Cantonese- and Mandarin-language services to appeal to Asian clientele. A range of dining options suits equally diverse cravings, ranging from the casual 12 Moons Asian Bistro and Falls Buffet, which hosts a weekend dim sum brunch, to the inspired Vista Prime Steaks and Seafood, which showcases Pacific Northwestern fare with prime valley views Meanwhile, the 51,000-square-foot gaming floor with 54 classic table games — including Blackjack, Roulette, Craps and Baccarat — a separate poker room and 1,700 slot machines fosters a lively atmosphere that gives the real Las Vegas a run for its money. Snoqualmie, 37500 SE North Bend Way; 425.888.1234; snocasino.com 

Tulalip Resort & Casino 
About an hour north of downtown Seattle, this bustling casino with adjoining 370-room resort is ideal for overnight guests planning a Vegas-style weekend. With more than 50 table games and more than 2,000 slots paying out $5 million in jackpots each month, regulars claim this place offers some of the area’s best odds. Regardless, lively entertainment, a luxury spa, Mandarin-speaking staff and shuttles to nearby golf courses and upscale outlet shopping (as well as Seattle and Everett) offers all-around appeal, while eight cafes and restaurants offer award-winning dining options from Asian favorites to fresh salmon roasted Tulalip-style over an open-fire pit. (At time of writing, a new steakhouse and pasteria, Tula Bene, was also slated open in late spring 2018.) Freshly-renovated guest rooms only further the experience with their sleek designs, state-of-the-art technology and stunning native art. Operated by the Tulalip Native American Tribe, the casino’s nearby cultural center (with gift shop) is also a great resource for visitors hoping to learn more about Tulalip tribal customs. Tulalip, 10200 Quil Ceda Blvd; 360.716.6000; tulalipresortcasino.com 

Parq Vancouver 
Opened in late September 2017 across the border in Vancouver, BC, this stunning property owned by Vegas-based Paragon Gaming and two other partners marries the best of the Pacific Northwest with a 72,000-square-foot casino, flexible event space and a sprawling rooftop park awash in local trees. Framed by floor-to-ceiling windows and contemporary art, the gaming area includes 600 slot machines, 75 table games, a poker room and 11 private VIP salons for high-rollers; eight bars and restaurants by Las Vegas’s Blau Associates bring extra star power (they run Honey Salt and Buddy V’s Ristorante in Vegas) to this diverse foodie town. Highlights include Victor, a specialty steakhouse showcasing seafood and views, 1886, a Cantonese restaurant dishing up dim sum with Mainland flair and Lotus, a dual whiskey/tea lounge made with Chinese guests in mind. Along with fresh, first-class facilities, this vast property incorporates two luxury hotels. Vancouver’s first JW Marriott boasts plush rooms and sweeping views, as well as a luxury spa, while design-savvy guests will appreciate The Douglas, which oozes Pacific Northwest-inspired urban style in 188 rooms and suites named for the area’s namesake fir. Vancouver, BC, 39 Smithe Street, V6B 0R3; 604.683.7277; parqvancouver.com 



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