西雅图租豪车,体验个性驾驶 Luxury Seattle Car Rentals to Ride in Style


By Seattle Mag May 28, 2018


This article originally appeared in the Seattle Mandarin Guide 2018 西雅图中文生活方式指南 issue of Seattle magazine.


下次您需要租车时,考虑升级!我们并不是指车型的升级,而是为得到更为有趣的驾驶经验而做的升级。位于贝尔维尤的Zadart Exotic Car Club & Rentals,以其不断扩大的顶级豪华车队,让您有机会在每一次租车时,都能租到一辆您从未开过的车,给您一次千载难逢的开车体验。这里令人心跳加速的豪车包括Ferraris(法拉利)、Lamborghinis (兰博基尼)、McLarens(迈凯伦)、Rolls-Royce(劳斯莱斯)、Bentley(本特利)以及Porsche(保时捷)。您也可以购买礼品卡,送给您想打动的人。租车可以按日或按小时计费;您可以到店自提车辆,店家也可以送车上门。营业时间:每日上午10点至晚上8点。Zadart Exotic Car Club and Rentals, Bellevue, 11855 Bel-Red Road; 425.922.3336; zadart.com

English Version

Luxury Seattle Car Rentals to Ride in Style
Amp up your next rental car for a memorable experience, whether driving around town or cruising the coast.

Next time you need to rent a car, why not consider an upgrade? We don’t mean an upgrade to a full sized automobile, but to something much, much more fun to drive. Located in Bellevue, Zadart Exotic Car Club and Rentals offers an ever-expanding fleet of superpremium vehicles that gives you a chance to drive something new with every rental, and most important: a once-in-a-lifetime driving experience. Among the pulse-quickening vehicles are Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens, Rolls-Royce, Bentley, and Porsche. You can also buy gift cards for someone that you want to impress. Daily and hourly rentals available, with vehicles available via in-store pickup and delivery. Open daily from 10AM to 8PM. Zadart Exotic Car Club and Rentals, Bellevue; 11855 Bel-Red Road; 425.922.3336; zadart.com.

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