西雅图获奖精酿啤酒何处寻 Where to Drink Award-Winning Craft Beer in Seattle


By Kendall Jones May 28, 2018


This article originally appeared in the Seattle Mandarin Guide 2018 西雅图中文生活方式指南 issue of Seattle magazine.


华盛顿州是世界啤酒花之都,我们的啤酒花产量多于德国、比利时和英国等欧洲老牌啤酒国。华州酿造精酿啤酒的传统历史悠久,且持续蓬勃发展。目前我们拥有300多家精酿啤酒厂,数量在美国排名第二,其中就有50多家在西雅图市内。我们的酿酒商展现着他们的创造力,挑战我们的味蕾去接受新口味,推出酸啤酒、木桶陈酿啤酒和其它富有想象力的各种啤酒。同时,他们也在不断磨练自己的技能,来酿造深受我们喜爱的各种风格的啤酒。现在就让我们跟随《西雅图》杂志 (Seattle Magazine) 的年度啤酒奖 (Beer Awards) 的读者评选结果,到这些”品尝当地精酿啤酒的最佳去处”看一看尝一尝。

The Pike Brewing Company
座落在派克市场的南端,Pike Brewing (派克精酿) 是西雅图深受人们喜爱、最老牌的自酿酒厂和酒馆之一 。这家规模庞大的酿酒厂 20多年来一直以美味啤酒和美食招待各方客人,对客人没有年龄限制。对许多游客而言,这是他们最可以就近体验西雅图充满活力的酿酒文化的地方。理当如此,因为派克精酿是称职的啤酒大使。到这里,千万不要错过参观其Museum Room (小博物馆),业主兼合伙人之一Charles Finkel以及他的妻子Rose Ann在此展示了他们收集的大量啤酒纪念品。Downtown, 1415 First Ave.; 206.622.6044

Image Credit: Hellbent Brewing
位于Lake City的Hellbent Brewing以高品质的自酿和其它当地精酿啤酒而成为西雅图最受喜爱的啤酒吧之一

Hellbent Brewing Company
这家位于Lake City的自酿啤酒屋最吸引人的地方是上品啤酒,这里欢迎你带狗来,但不欢迎小孩子(仅限满21岁以上客人)。啤酒屋后院停车场的宽敞楼台旁,经常有流动餐车在此售卖食物。在啤酒屋的网站上可以查看餐车的时间表。这里也欢迎客人自带食物。主楼层舒适的沙发可以让您感受到客厅的氛围,楼上则有电子游戏机、飞镖板和台球桌。若到这里,别忘了跟Steven打个招呼,他是一只和蔼可亲的黄色拉布拉多大狗,主人是首席酿酒师Brian Young。Lake City, 13035 Lake City Way NE; 206.361.3707

Brouwer’s Café
在2005年开业后不久,这家位于Fremont的比利时风格的小餐馆很快就以其60多种桶装啤酒和数百种瓶装啤酒赢得了西雅图顶级啤酒吧的美誉。这里的啤酒单可能让您看花了眼,但也不要错过主打比利时菜的美食,如一道由牛肉、培根和啤酒烹调而成的,配上炸薯条的传统炖菜stoofvlees。除了最丰富多样的本地和进口啤酒之外,Brouwer’s还供应鸡尾酒、苹果酒和葡萄酒。可是,您得把孩子留在家里,因为这个地方只接待年满21岁以上的成年人。Fremont, 400 N 35th St.; 206.267.2437

Image Credit: Hayley Young
便利店遇到啤酒屋: Chuck Shin的Chuck’s Hop Shop是西雅图人买啤酒和与家人朋友喝酒聊天的最佳去处。本图为其Central District店 

Chuck’s Hop Shop Chuck’s
在Greenwood和Central District有两家分店,都是提供全面服务的啤酒店,供应数百种瓶装和罐装啤酒,还有数十种桶装啤酒供您装壶购买。如果您喜欢的话,也可以点一杯啤酒在店里品尝。在Greenwood的第一家店是个狭小却温馨的”便利店遇到啤酒屋”,这里总是挤满了人,在不下雨的几个月份里,人们都愿意坐在店外的野餐桌喝啤酒。Central District的地理位置同样很受欢迎,其内部空间要宽敞一些,并有一个小型的户外座位区。Chuck’s在这两个地方成功的关键就是营造了友好的家庭氛围,店铺外面经常停着数量比单车更多的儿童推车。Greenwood, 656 NW 85th St., 206.297.6212; Central District, 2001 E Union St., 206.538.0743

Beveridge Place Pub
在西西雅图 (West Seattle),人们把这个温暖的、充满木质装饰的聚会场所当作他们的第二间客厅,这里有30多种定期轮换的桶装啤酒供您选择品尝。坐落在California Avenue和Beveridge Place路口一角,它是爱喝啤酒的成年人围坐在大桌子旁或坐在沙发上玩cribbage纸牌、拼字游戏、常识问答游戏或其它棋盘游戏的好去处。里边的房间里,有高吧台桌、推圆盘游戏、飞镖、台球和多台用于观看比赛的电视机。这里除了酒吧小吃之外不提供其它食物,但是您可以自带食物,或者从附近的餐馆点餐,有一些餐馆也会为您送餐。我们还喜欢的一点是,这是一个没有啤酒吧气味的啤酒吧。West Seattle, 6413 California Ave. SW; 206.932.9906

English Version

The people have spoken. The region’s legion of beer fans pick the best places to experience local brews. 

Washington state is the hop capital of the world, producing more of the core ingredient in beer making than the likes of Germany, Belgium, and England. The state has a long, vibrant tradition of craft beermaking, and is currently ranked second in the U.S. in number of microbreweries, boasting more than 300, 50 of which are packed within Seattle city limits. Our local brewers are flexing their creative muscle and challenging our palates to accept new flavors, introducing us to things like sour beers, barrel-aged beers and other imaginative concoctions. While doing so, they also continue to hone their skills when it comes to brewing the styles of beer we already love. Let’s follow Seattle Magazine’s Beer Awards’ readers’ choice winners and experience local brews at some of the best places in the region.

A restaurant or pub with its own brewery on site
The Pike Brewing Company
One of the city’s oldest brewpubs remains the favorite. This expansive brewery and all-ages pub at the south end of Pike Place Market has been serving delicious beer and grub for more than 20 years. For many tourists, this is the closest they get to experiencing Seattle’s vibrant brewing culture, and that’s just fine; Pike Brewing is a worthy ambassador. Be sure to take a peek into the Museum Room, where Charles Finkel, one of the owners and cofounders, along with his wife, Rose Ann, displays a portion of his massive collection of beer memorabilia. Downtown, 1415 First Ave.; 206.622.6044

A taproom with a tasting room on site where you can get tastes and pints but not food; that is, it’s not a brewpub
Hellbent Brewing Company
Great beer is the solitary focus at this Lake City brewery and taproom, where dogs are welcome, but children are not (21 and older only). You’ll often find a food truck serving up victuals in the parking lot out back next to the spacious patio; the food truck schedule is available on the brewery’s website. You’re also welcome to bring food with you. Cozy couches help lend the main level of the taproom a living room atmosphere, and upstairs you’ll find video games, dart boards and a pool table. Say hello to Steven, the enormous and affable yellow Lab who frequently hangs out in the taproom; he belongs to the head brewer, Brian Young. Lake City, 13035 Lake City Way NE; 206.361.3707

A restaurant or pub with an exceptionally strong focus on beer
Brouwer’s Café
Soon after opening in 2005, this Belgian-inspired café in Fremont, which features more than 60 beers on tap and hundreds more in bottles, quickly earned a well-deserved reputation as one of Seattle’s top beer bars. You might get bleary-eyed looking at the beer list, but don’t miss the food menu, which focuses almost entirely on Belgian cuisine, such as stoofvlees, a traditional stew made with beef, bacon and beer, served over a bed of pommes frites. Along with the city’s greatest variety of local and international beers on tap, Brouwer’s serves cocktails, cider and wine. You’ll need to leave the kiddos at home because this place is for grown-ups only (21 and older). Fremont, 400 N 35th St.; 206.267.2437;

Best places to buy beer to go specifically
Chuck’s Hop Shop
Both of Chuck’s locations, in Greenwood and the Central District, are full-service beer emporiums, offering hundreds of beers in bottles and cans, as well as dozens of beers on tap for growler fills. In fact, you can even order a pint if you like. The original mini-mart-meets-beer-hall location in Greenwood is cozily cramped and always packed, with highly coveted picnic-table seating out front during the drier months. The Central District location is equally popular, but bigger inside, with a small outdoor seating section. A key to Chuck’s success at both locations is the family-friendly atmosphere (until 9 p.m.), and you’ll usually see more strollers than bikes parked out front. Greenwood, 656 NW 85th St., 206.297.6212; Central District, 2001 E Union St., 206.538.0743; 

A bar with at least 12 beers on tap, which are rotated regularly; bar only, no food
Beveridge Place Pub
In West Seattle, people think of this warm, wood-heavy meeting place as their second living room, which just happens to have a constantly rotating selection of more than 30 beers on tap. Located at the corner of California Avenue and Beveridge Place, it’s a place where beer-loving adults (21 and older) gather around large tables or sink into one of the well-used couches to play a game of cribbage, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit or one of the pub’s other board games. But that’s only half the story. The back room features pub-height tables, shuffleboard, darts, billiards and plenty of televisions for watching the big game. There’s no food beyond pub snacks, but you are welcome to bring your meal with you or order it from any of the neighborhood restaurants, some of which will deliver to your table. We also love that it’s a beer bar without that beer bar smell. West Seattle, 6413 California Ave. SW; 206.932.9906




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