西雅图豪华购物终极体验 How Luxury Shopping in Seattle is Now an All Inclusive Experience

在西雅图令人叫绝的各个购物圣地购物购到瘫, 再到它们的美味餐厅和美疗中心享受放松一下!

By Kate Calamusa May 28, 2018



西雅图是购物者的天堂,这里既有Neiman Marcus、Jimmy Choo和Hermes等奢侈品品牌专卖店,也有发源于西雅图的Nordstrom百货和Eddie Bauer品牌店。近年来,西雅图的购物体验愈发令人惊喜:除了别致的精品店之外,各购物中心还开设了顶级的美疗中心、世界一流的餐厅及其它设施,将西雅图的购物体验带到一个新高度。无论您想购买家居用品、想品尝点心小吃、或者只是悠闲漫步,这些包罗万象的购物定点,让您得以轻松购物、怡然用餐或赏玩一天!

Pacific Place以其诸多的品牌店、电影院和多样的就餐选择而成为西雅图市中心的最佳购物去处

Pacific Place (Downtown, 600 Pine St.; 206.405.2655; pacificplaceseattle.com) 这个五层楼的购物中心是购物者的最佳去处。这里不仅是市中心最方便停车的地方,而且还有多家地标租户进驻于此,如Barneys New York、Tiffany & Co.和Kate Spade New York。从进入商业中心一楼的Barneys精品店开始,在这里手提包和配饰品,一件件都像艺术品般摆架展售;楼上的女士专区则陈列着买家的最爱,如Alexander Wang、3.1 Phillip Lim、和Helmut Lang,以及Michael Kors专卖店,这里布满此美国名设计师最受欢迎的精美皮包和完美无比的休闲装。让您的购物品味从这里引着您一层一层地上楼购物。这里值得关注的驻足点还包括著名的运动和瑜伽服品牌lululemon athletica,以及专卖经典、炫酷当代女装的J. Jill。

此购物中心的第四层有一家AMC电影院和五家不同菜系的餐厅,包括全新的来自台湾的名店Din Tai Fung(鼎泰丰)。该餐馆特供的小笼汤包使得这家餐馆成为一个传奇,此外还有炒面、锅贴以及其它台湾人最爱的美食。观看电影之前,先在此好好地吃上一顿! Pacific Place很快将以全新面貌问世。这项数百万美元的翻新工程目前正在进行中,第一阶段将于2018年秋季完成,包括改造购物中心的公共区域,还有给中心添换一个更豪华的新入口,并增添购物空间和更多的用餐选择。

在位于University Village的b8ta店内,顾客可以在购买前试用新的科技设备

距离市中心二十分钟车程,紧邻华盛顿大学的大学村University Village (2623 NE University Village St.; 206.523.0622; uvillage.com) 是西雅图露天购物的首选。该购物中心提供免费停车场和可以带狗狗来的友善环境。这里120家商店和餐馆聚集,给您充满活力的消费体验。这个风景如画的中心是华州购买下列商家产品的唯一去处:Room & Board和Pottery Barn Kids的家居用品,Oiselle的时尚运动装备,以及专为讲究衣冠的男士们服务的具有阿姆斯特丹时装风格的Scotch & Soda。除了如Anthropologie和Crate & Barrel等经典的店家,这里的新宠还包括:提供最新女性时尚的精品店Joie;带有加州炫酷风的Brandy Melville,此店主打印有个性图案的T恤和闲适风格的配饰品;以及 给您一种创新购物体验的b8ta:顾客在购买商品之前,可以在商店里探索和试用新的科技设备。

如果想要尝一尝家乡味,则可以在大学村中的多家亚洲餐馆里选一家进食。这里有著名的鼎泰丰 (Din Tai Fung);西雅图最受欢迎的Ba Bar餐厅新店最近也落户于此,烹制鲜美得令人难以置信的越南街头小吃化身而来的美味,而Blue C Sushi和Hokkaido Ramen Santouka则都以手工制作新鲜寿司和美味拉面,让人啧啧称赞。希望拓展饮食经验的人,则可以选择在新开业的以慈善为己任的Even Stevens饱食一个经典美式三明治,或者在西雅图本地的Rachel’s Ginger Beer酒馆里喝一杯带一球冰淇淋的酸甜可口的姜汁啤酒。购物和就餐之余,如果您还有时间轻松一下,到大学村里的Gene Juarez Salon & Spa去修修脚是再好不过的选择!

从西雅图出发,跨过华盛顿湖到达贝尔维尤,这个曾经不起眼的郊区现在则是繁华的大都会。这里有一个世界级的艺术博物馆、美食餐厅和本地区首屈一指的购物圣地。这其中最为突出的是大型购物中心Bellevue Collection (575 Bellevue Way NE; 425.454.8096; bellevuecollection.com),它三个不同的地点:Bellevue Square,Lincoln Center 和 Bellevue Place,囊括了250个品牌店家。这里的购物选择极为丰富,有占地面积庞大的Nordstrom百货,面向女性客户的Diane Von Furstenberg和Madewell品牌店,以及面向男性客户的Hugo Boss、Vince和Tommy Bahama品牌店。此外,日本服装零售商优衣库 (Uniqlo) 也给这些繁华热闹的商区增添了更时尚的吸引力。

那么餐厅呢?当然是神级别的!最近扩建的Lincoln Square拥有最豪华的美食广场。位于第二层的Lincoln South Food Hall美食广场,有七家美食店,从Avo-Poké的太平洋地区美食”酱生鱼片盖饭”,到Barrio Luchador 的墨西哥旋转烤猪肉和菠萝卷饼。同层的几家高级餐厅任您悠闲地享用美食,如巴西牛排屋Fogo de Chão,高端中餐厅Baron’s Xi’an Kitchen and Bar (谷府) 和本地顶级厨师Jason Wilson在The Lakehouse餐厅推出的的仅由本地果蔬烹调的菜色。这家极其”性感”的餐厅甚至有一个怀旧酒吧,同新近落成的W Bellevue酒店相连。这座酒店至”潮”无比,若欲享受高级小憩或下榻住宿,这是最佳去处!

Image Credit:Shops at the Bravern  
The Bravern就如贝尔维尤的罗迪欧大道(Rodeo Drive), 这里是众多奢饰品牌的购物圣地,而其中文网站更让华人顾客轻松浏览、 获取信息

贝尔维尤的露天商场Shops at The Bravern (11111 NE 8th St.; 425.456.8795; thebravern.com) 媲美加州极负盛名的Rodeo Drive。这里是时尚爱好者的梦想之地,集中了大量的奢侈品牌店,该中心有中文网站,对华人来说,在此浏览购物极其轻松方便。其中的亮点商家包括大家钟爱的法国品牌爱马仕(Hermes),其宽敞的精品店内充满了精致的配饰;美国设计师Tory Burch为其明亮色调的商铺带来了她标志性的波希米亚风采的服装及配饰;忠于意大利传统的Salvatore Ferragamo提供完美的皮革手提袋、皮具和鞋类。而前述的这一切熙熙攘攘的景象都围绕着The Bravern的核心租户:西北地区唯一的Neiman Marcus奢侈品专卖店。在这里可以找到深受追捧的设计师的品牌,比如Alexander McQueen、Christian Louboutin和Manolo Blahnik,他们的商品如艺术品般地在画廊式的橱窗展示待沽 。

到新入驻的Sugar Factory来吃个甜点,以结束您的一天!这家商铺结合了糖果店和卖速食的咖啡厅,因好莱坞名人的喜爱和推崇而闻名。带一根棒棒糖,到其Brasserie吧台喝到肚皮朝天。在这里您也可以买到彩虹小汉堡、千层巨无霸三明治、或点缀有毛毛虫软糖或桃糖圈圈的古怪多彩的鸡尾酒。干杯!

English Version

How Luxury Shopping in Seattle is Now an All Inclusive Experience

Shop ‘til you drop…into a cozy eatery or full-service spa at Seattle’s impressive array of all-inclusive shopping destinations.

With such luxury stops as Neiman Marcus, Jimmy Choo and Hermes, as well as homegrown favorites like Nordstrom and Eddie Bauer, the shopping is oh-so-good in Seattle. In recent years, the finds have gotten even sweeter, too, as area shopping centers have complemented their vast selection of chic boutiques with top-notch spas, world-class eateries and other amenities to further elevate the shopping experience to new heights. Whether you are on the hunt for housewares, looking to nosh on a nibble or just meander at your leisure, these all-inclusive shopping destinations make it a snap to shop, dine and play all day long.

Shoppers unite at Pacific Place (Downtown, 600 Pine St.; 206.405.2655; pacificplaceseattle.com), the airy, five-story center that is not only downtown’s best bet for easy parking, but also home to such landmark tenants as Barneys New York , Tiffany & Co. and Kate Spade New York. Start on the first floor at the aforementioned Barneys, where handbags and accessories are displayed like works of art and the upstairs women’s section houses pieces from favorites like Alexander Wang, 3.1 Phillip Lim and Helmut Lang, or Michael Kors—which is filled with the American designer’s fine leather bags and impeccable resort wear—and then work up an appetite as you shop level by level. Notable stops include famed athletic and yoga wear purveyor lululemon athletica and J.Jill, which offers classic, cool contemporary wear for women.

The center’s fourth level is home to an AMC movie theater and five restaurants of varying persuasions, including the brand-new Din Tai Fung. One of Taiwan’s most celebrated restaurants, the eatery churns out the succulent steamed dumplings that made this spot a legend, in addition to fried noodles, potstickers and other Taiwanese favorites perfectly for filling up before taking in a flick.

Pacific Place is soon to receive a top-to-bottom facelift, to boot. The multi-million dollar renovation, which is now underway with the first phase to be complete by fall of 2018, includes the remodel of the center’s common areas, plus a grand new entrance that will allow for added shop space and more dining options.

Located twenty minutes from downtown in the heart of UW Husky country, University Village (2623 NE University Village St.; 206.523.0622; uvillage.com) is the city’s go-to outdoor shopping center, offering free parking, a dog-friendly environment and a vibrant mix of 120 stores and restaurants. The picturesque village is the only spot in the state where you can shop homegoods at Room & Board and Pottery Barn Kids), pick up chic athletic gear from Oiselle and peruse Scotch & Soda, which offers Amsterdam couture-esque garments to well-dressed gents. In addition to classic haunts such as Anthropologie and Crate & Barrel, new favorites here include: Joie, a understatedly chic boutique offering the latest women’s fashions; California-cool Brandy Melville with its graphic t’s and laidback accessories; and b8ta, an innovative new retail experience that allows customers to discover and try out new tech devices in store before buying.

For a taste of home, fuel up at one of the U Village’s many Asian eateries, which includes yet another outpost of Din Tai Fung; Seattle favorite Ba Bar’s newest location here churns out incredibly-fresh Vietnamese street-food-with-a-twist, while Blue C Sushi and Hokkaido Ramen Santouka craft soul-satisfying fresh sushi and savory ramen, respectively. Those looking to expand their horizons would do well to devour a classic American sammie at the charitably-focused new Even Stevens or slurp down a just-tart, delightfully-sweet ginger beer float from Seattle’s own Rachel’s Ginger Beer. And if it’s time for a little R&R, look no further than the on-site Gene Juarez Salon & Spa where a pedicure would sure to do nicely after all that shopping and sampling.

Located across Lake Washington from Seattle, the once sleepy suburb of Bellevue is now a bustling metropolis, boasting a world-class art museum, gourmet restaurants and the area’s premier shopping Meccas. The first of which, the expansive Bellevue Collection (575 Bellevue Way NE; 425.454.8096; bellevuecollection.com) encompasses 250 retail brands in three different locations—Bellevue Square, Lincoln Center and Bellevue Place—making it a true shopping destination. The shopping is plentiful here with an expansive Nordstrom, plus Diane Von Furstenberg and Madewell for her, and Hugo Boss, Vince and Tommy Bahama for him. The addition of Japanese apparel retailer Uniqlo has lent even more stylish appeal to these bustling spots.

And the dining? Divine. Upping the ante from typical mall fare, the recently expanded Lincoln Square is now home to the ritziest food court in the land. The Lincoln South Food Hall on the second level features gourmet fare from seven vendors with offerings ranging from Pacific Rim bowls at Avo-Poké to al pastor pork and pineapple tacos at Barrio Luchador. Within the same South building expansion, there are myriad fine dining spots to enjoy at your leisure, including Brazilian steakhouse Fogo de Chão, Chinese noodle house Baron’s Xi’an Kitchen and Bar and local powerhouse chef’s Jason Wilson’s new local-produce-driven project, The Lakehouse. Sublimely sexy (there’s even a speakeasy on the first level), The Lakehouse is attached to the newly-finished W Bellevue hotel, which is about as swank as can be and perfect for catching a few z’s in utter style.

Bellevue’s spin on the famous Rodeo Drive, the nearby open-air Shops at The Bravern (11111 NE 8th St.; 425.456.8795; thebravern.com) are something out of a fashion lover’s dream with a rich collection of luxury designer brands, plus the center’s Mandarin language-available website makes it all a snap to navigate. Highlights include Parisian favorite Hermès, whose expansive boutique is filled with finely-crafted accessories; American designer Tory Burch brings her trademark boho-chic apparel and accessories to her brightly-accented space; and, true to their Italian heritage, Salvatore Ferragamo offers an impeccable selection of leather handbags, goods and shoes. It all buzzes around The Bravern’s keystone tenant, the Northwest’s only Neiman Marcus location, where shoppers fawn over designer finds from the likes of Alexander McQueen, Christian Louboutin and Manolo Blahnik, all expertly displayed in a gallery-like setting.

Finish your day with something sweet from the new Sugar Factory, a combination candy shop and cafe famous for its Hollywood celebrity endorsements. Snag a lollipop to go, and belly up to the bar in the Brasserie, where you can order rainbow burger sliders, towering club sandwiches or kooky, colorful cocktails accented with such candies as gummy worms or peachy rings—cheers!

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