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4 Better St. Patrick’s Day Drinks to Sip This Year

Skip the green beer and go with these more sophisticated St. Patrick's Day-themed cocktails instead

By Seattle Mag March 13, 2014


!–paging_filter–pAs one of the holidays that tends to be celebrated with rollicking parties, a href=”http://\/\/…“St. Patrick’s Day /asadly isn’t usually accompanied by delicious drinks. Rather, there’s usually some artificially colored beer sloshing about. But you can help change this trend, and show that you really appreciate the day, the saint and the Irish by serving some tastier Irish-inspired drinks. You should also use tasty Irish products in your drinks, which is why all these utilizea href=”” target=”_blank” Clontarf 1014 Irish whiskey/a, a triple-distilled, bourbon barrel-aged blended beauty with a honey and nutty flavor highlighted by oak and citrus. If you can track it down, it’s a perfect St. Pat’s whiskey. Herewith, four better-than-green-beer drinks to make for this St. Paddy’s Day./p
pstrongThe Dublin 8/strongbrThis recipe from a href=”…” target=”_blank”emGood Spirits/em/a was created by one of the best bartenders in the Midwest (maybe emthe /embest), Jeremy Sidener, who is the bar manager at the wonderful a href=”” target=”_blank”8th Street/a Taproom in Lawrence, Kan. Be sure and stop in if you’re ever nearby./p
pemIce cubesbr2 ounces Clontarf 1014 Irish whiskeybr3 ounces freshly squeezed orange juicebr3 ounces chilled ginger ale or ginger beerbrLime quarter for garnishbrLime slice for garnish/em/p
p1. Fill a highball glass, or similarly-sized glass, three quarters up with ice cubes. Add the whiskey./p
p2. Add the orange juice and ginger ale, at the same time/p
p3. Squeeze a lime wedge over the glass, and then drop it in. Stir gently. Garnish with the slice of lime./p
pstrongThe Snake Banisher Cocktail/strongbrThis pays homage to one of Saint Patrick’s major feats, as well utilizing another nice Irish product, a href=”” target=”_blank”Celtic Honey liqueur/a. Inspired by an ancient recipe, this liqueur in lore and story brings luck as well as rich taste that comes from its ingredient list: local Irish honey, spring water, Irish whiskey and secret herbs./p
pemCracked icebr2 ounces Clontarf 1014 Irish whiskeybr3/4 ounce Celtic Honey liqueurbr1/4 ounce Punt e’ Mesbr2 dashes a href=”” target=”_blank”Scrappy’s Saville Orange bitters/a /em/p
p1. Fill a cocktail shaker or mixing glass halfway full with cracked ice. Add everything. Stir well./p
p2. Strain into a cocktail glass. Start banishing snakes./p
pstrongChamomile Fairy/strongbrThis is a nice choice if the temperature starts to drop, because it’s a real warmer-upper, both through the whiskey and hot tea that make up the two main ingredients. This recipe is from a href=”…” target=”_blank”emDark Spirits/em/a./p
pem2 ounces Clontarf 1014 Irish whiskeybr1/2 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juicebr1/2 ounce a href=”http://\/\/…” target=”_blank”simple syrup/abr4 ounces freshly brewed chamomile teabrLemon slice, for garnishnbsp;/em/p
p1. Add the Irish whiskey, lemon juice, and simple syrup to a mug or other insulated glass. Stir once./p
p2. Pour in the tea. Stir well, and garnish with the lemon slice and a twinkle in your eye./p
pstrongIrish Rickey/strongbrThe Rickey is a classic drink family, most well-known for the Gin Rickey. But other Rickeys are also pleasant, and also have that little smooch of savoir faire. I think the Irish Rickey is delightful to imbibe from St. Paddy’s Day until the setting sun on August 31, as it’s super refreshing. This recipe is also from emDark Spirits/em./p
pemIce cubesbr2-1/2 ounces Clontarf 1014 Irish whiskeybr1 ounce freshly squeezed lime juicebr1/2 ounce simple syrupbrChilled club sodabrLime wedge, for garnish/em/p
p1. Fill a highball glass halfway full with ice cubes. Add the whiskey, juice, and simple syrup. Stir once./p
p2. Fill the glass with club soda, squeeze the lime wedge over it, and drop it in. Stir well./p


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