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New Co-op Brewery, Bernie Sanders at the Comet, & More

The top Seattle news stories you should be reading today

By Kirsten Abel August 7, 2015


Co-op Beer: What the Seattle P.I. is calling Washington’s first cooperatively-owned brewery is set to open its tasting room on August 15 at 12 p.m. Flying Bike Cooperative Brewery is owned by over 1,500 members. Those members get to enter their beer in competitions at the brewery and if they win, their beer is featured at a local bar or event, and now also at the brewery. The five beers on tap when Flying Bike opens are all “member-driven beers.” There will also be one beer on tap created by the head brewer, Kevin Forhan. Make sure to go to opening day hungry. Nearby Munch Cafe will be partnering with Flying Bike and delivering food orders straight to the tasting room. 

Sanders at the Comet: Senator Bernie Sanders is coming to Seattle this weekend, KING 5 reports, and will appear at Westlake Park on Saturday, August 8 from 1 to 3 p.m. He will also hold a fundraising reception at 5 p.m. on Saturday that you can attend for just $200, at Comet Tavern in Capitol Hill. According to The Seattle Times, Sanders is second behind Hilary Clinton in contributions from Washington state donors. Ben Carson is currently third. If Sanders is your guy, you should show your support this weekend, especially considering how little he’s asking compared to other candidates.

The Ultimate Panorama: The Space Needle has just launched its PanoCam, says Geekwire, which is a panoramic camera that snaps a 360-degree photo every 10 minutes from the top of the needle. You can see the most recent photos and even track back all the way to January 2015 here. The camera runs from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset. At up to 66 million pixels per image, the views are stunning and relaxing. And really addicting.

Shark Weekend: This Saturday, August 8, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma, you can get up close and personal with the zoo’s shark population. You can touch a whitespotted bamboo shark and an epaulette shark. You can even have a swim with the large sharks inside their tank. Scuba diving (experience necessary) costs $105-$120 for 75 minutes of shark-tank-exploration, and cage diving (no experience necessary) costs $60-$75 for an hour inside the cage. The zoo provides all the equipment you need to do the dives, including a suit that zips over your street clothes. All you need is a bit of cash and a great deal of fearlessness.


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