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So You Have the Munchies…

Legal pot sales begin today. Here are 6 Seattle snacks to grab if you happen to get a little hungry

By Lauren Mang with additional research by Kari Lutcavich July 8, 2014


The November 2012 vote to legalize marijuana in Washington state and create systems for growing, selling and taxing it, has finally come to fruition: Sales for legal pot officially started this morning. Lines formed outside at various pot shops, with some eager customers setting up camp as early as 3 p.m. yesterday, KOMO News reports.

So in honor of your first legal dance with MaryJane, we’ve rounded up some snacks capable of curing your case of the munchies. Need to know where to buy your weed? Check out this map of Washington state pot retailers, courtesy of KING 5.

Tim’s Cascade Snacks
Crunchy, salty and made right here near the Cascade Mountain range, these potato chips (particularly the Sea Salt & Vinegar variety) have often made life worth living.


Sahale Snacks
These locally made nuts and trail mixes are my airplane snack of choice. Shout out to the Classic Fruit + Nut Blend!

There is nothing like a chewy, smoky slab of beef jerky, especially if you’re high. Bonus: Oberto’s snacks are gluten free and all natural, so it’s win win.

Dry Soda
Flavors like rhubarb and juniper berry are what we Seattleites look for in our artisanal fizzy beverages. Wash down your equally artisanal snacks with a can or two.

Dick’s Drive-In
OK, not exactly “snack food,” but Dick’s burgers and fries are a late-night staple and since the walk-up spot is open at 10:30 a.m. every day of the week, you can grab a bag full of goodness at high noon.

Photo by Joe Mabel

Pagliacci Pizza
Also not snack food, but when I realized this famed Seattle pizza chain was closed on the Fourth of July, I was crushed and forced to order Papa Johns. See what you did, Pagliacci? Papa Johns. Papa freaking Johns. Had I been high, the disappointment would have been that much worse. Suggested pies: Agog Primo or The Hawaiian. Trust.

Photo by Meganp



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