Seattle Culture

This New Local Fitness Gadget is a Steal

By Erica Cooley November 4, 2014



There’s no shortage of wearable gadgets to help track your movements, diet and more—even Microsoft has entered the market—but Seattle-based Pivotal Living thinks there’s room for another. The startup’s wristband-style device, the Tracker 1, does have one potentially game-changing feature—it’s free. Rather than pay for the device, users pay a $12 annual membership for access to the Pivotal Living app, which syncs with the Tracker 1 to track calories burned, total steps, distance, daily active time, percentage met of daily goals, sleep length, quality of sleep, hydration, and weight. “Staying healthy and informed can be complicated and expensive,” says cofounder David Donovick. “We want to take both of those factors out of the equation.” Part of that pricing strategy is the result of feedback from a research project in which the company partnered with the University of Washington. In it, study participants said that price was a main factor in not purchasing fitness trackers, which can average $100 and up (the Microsoft band is $199). The Pivotal app and wristband are smartly timed for holiday release, December 10th, and members will be able to upgrade their devices as the company introduces new versions.


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