Ethan Stowell’s Red Cow Opens Tonight

By Seattle Mag February 10, 2014



!–paging_filter–pAnd, ladies and gentleman, that’s how fast the restaurant industry works!/p
pAfter just two nights of practice service over the weekend, Ethan and Angela Stowell are formally swinging open the doors to their new Madrona steak frites bistro, stronga href=”” target=”_blank”Red Cow/anbsp;/strong(1423 34th Ave), in time for dinner tonight. Here’s a href=”http://\/\/…” target=”_blank”the menu/a, in case you missed it.nbsp;/p
pThe 1,800-square-foot former Restaurant Bea/June/Cremant space seats 35 guests in the dining room and 20 in the bar.nbsp;/p
pChicago-born Thom Koschwanez, who spent the past year as chef of catering and charity events for a href=”“Ethan Stowell Restaurants/a, is the chef here. (There’s a good chance you’ll be able to spy him from the open kitchen if you’re sitting in the bar). Before joining ESR, he was a sous chef at the James Beard Award winning Central Michel Richard in Washington DC. And just a couple of weeks ago, I had the unexpected pleasure of sitting at the kitchen counter as he whipped up a few dishes while taking a spin at Stowell’s tiny Tangletown restaurant, Mkt. What a nice guynbsp;—nbsp;and excited at the time to get his wheels revving at Red Cow./p
pStarting this evening, he does just that, as the ninth Ethan Stowell restaurant (counting Ballard Pizza Co.) officially opens. Red Cow will be serving dinner nightly from 5nbsp;to 10 pm, and untilnbsp;11pm on Fridaynbsp;andnbsp;Saturday. Reservations can be made a href=”” target=”_blank”online/anbsp;or by calling (206) 454-7932.nbsp;/p


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