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New Bar Opening Part I: Damn The Weather from Bartender Bryn Lumsden

By Seattle Mag March 6, 2014


!–paging_filter–pA good new bar is always exciting, but a new bar from Bryn Lumsden is at least five levels above exciting! Not only was he past bar manager of the legendary Rob Roy (as well as making drinks at spots like the sadly departed Vessel and others during the last ten years), but a href=”http://\/\/” target=”_blank”he was also named one of Seattle magazine’s Happiest Happy Hour bartenders/a. He’s renowned for both his drink making and drink creating, for his unflappable literary charm and for making the a href=”…” target=”_blank”fizziest fizzes in town/a. Overall, he’s without a doubt one of Seattle’s top cocktail shakers (and stirrers)./p
pHis new bar is called Damn The Weather (in honor of a lesser-known classic brunch drink and as a reminder to Seattleites to get out and have fun even when it’s raining), and is located in the south side of the retail floor of the State Hotel building in Pioneer Square, between Yesler Way and Washington street on First avenue’s west side. While he and the other fine folks behind the bar are in the process of a little destruction and reconstruction right now, they’re leaving the historic brick, hardwoods and more./p
pThe plan is to the be open 4 p.m. to 2 a.m., seven days a week, because, as Bryn says, he has “lived in Pioneer Square for three years and am willing to keep these hours if only even for my neighbors.” Damn The Weather will serve quick and affable food late, too./p
pBut the real spotlight will be on the cocktails. “Classic cocktails will sing,” Bryn says, and “house cocktails will be adventurous, like one with tequila, an Italian amaro, blueberry, eucalyptus, and lime, or one with a combination of Genever, carrot, passion fruit, and lemon.” I’m getting thirsty just typing that. The bar will also have fun pairings on the menu, such as Champagne and candy corn, or Armagnac and a copy of the emNew York Times/em.nbsp;/p
pTo me, it all sounds a lot like Bryn: friendly, fun, approachable, but always with impeccable taste and an eye on delighting the customer. Damn The Weather is due to open in early summer, which seems a bit far away right now, but good things of course come to those who wait. Be sure to check out the bar’s Facebook page for more info: a href=”” target=”_blank” out a href=”http://\/\/…” target=”_blank”Part II/a for even more insider information on the new Pioneer Square spot, including the chef.nbsp;/strong/em/p


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