MakerHaus: Members Only Design

A new design studio helps make creative dreams real.

By Mallory Peterson January 27, 2013


This article originally appeared in the January 2013 issue of Seattle magazine.


Say you have a brilliant concept for a new lampshade or laptop bag or xylophone. All of your friends agree it’s a terrific idea, but you have no clue as to how to turn your napkin sketch into a prototype. Enter MakerHaus, a membership-based design studio and idea incubator scheduled to open early this month in Fremont, dedicated to “empowering creative minds.”

The empowerment comes in several tangible ways: use of the metal shop, wood shop, laser cutter, 3-D printer, a huge range of tools and a materials library, plus classes in everything from furniture design to how to get funded on Kickstarter. Founders Ellie and Mike Kemery (a strategist and an industrial designer, respectively, who have worked with Nike) started MakerHaus because they believe strongly in the value of networking and community—collaborating, rather than struggling to solve problems alone in the garage, as so many designers do. In addition to the roster of classes (available to nonmembers at a slightly higher cost), professional staff and mentors are available on-site to assist with sticky design challenges and help facilitate the transformation from dream to reality.

MakerHaus, 122 NW 36th St.;


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