Food & Drink

Aardvark Curry Bus on Kickstarter

By Seattle Mag August 20, 2013



!–paging_filter–pLast winter I introduced you to my favorite Snoqualmie Pass lunch stop, a href=”http://\/\/…” target=”_blank”the Aardvark Curry Trailer/a. I’ve got a soft spot for folks who live their passion, and strongDan’s the happiest guy cooking out of a trailer I’ve ever met. /strongHis curry bowls are a huge hit with boarders, skiers and snowshoers, but he’s outgrown his tiny digs. Wood’s hoping to move into a real kitchen, one stronghe intends to build inside a train. /strongWell, part of a train./p
pBorn in Korea and raised in Spokane, Wood he found the transition to life state-side living difficult. “I was the oldernbsp;son with three brothers and barely enoughnbsp;English to carry a conversation.nbsp;It was difficult to find or make friends during this era, so my mother would cook up these hybrid meals punctuated with exotic oils, spices and sauces. strongShe would open the doors and windows and have the aromas waft into the street/strong, and the neighbor children would come over and my mother would offer them a bowl of her fragrant morsels. We made new friends that summer. strongMy mother instilled in me that foodnbsp;breaks all barriers/strong.”nbsp;/p
pLast year, Wood found a 1930’s Pullman dining car that he’s been refabbing. But he’s in need of cash, and soon./p
pIf you feel so inclined, and especiallystrong if you’ve suffered the dearth of good food at the Pass/strong, consider a donation to his a href=”…” target=”_blank”Kickstarter/a. (The video’s worth a look, either way.)/p


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