Food & Drink

Big Changes in Store at Dot’s, and a Change for Me as Well

By Seattle Mag January 1, 2014



!–paging_filter–pDuring a recent dinner at Dot’s Delicatessen (yes, they serve dinner, and yes, you should go; the food is very good), our server dropped the news that strongDot’s would be renovating to make dinner seating more comfortable.nbsp;/strong/p
pWhen I followed up with Dot’s owner, Miles James, he told me that the renovation will be a little more involved. In fact,strong a href=”http://\/\/“Dot’s Delicatessen/a will close and reopen, becoming Dot’s Charcuterie and Bistrot/strong./p
pJames told me he’s been, “span/spanitching to cook dinner again, which we have been doing, but the space isn’t really designed well for dinner, and the space hasn’t been utilized to its full potential. When we opened originally, I envisioned it being a charcuterie that sold a few sandwiches and sausages that you could eat here or take out, but as you know strongDot’s has taken a mind of it’s own /strongand turned into much more than that.span” br //spanJames will shut the place for a week (or two) in late January and reopen in early February (the timetable’s still being finalized, so watch a href=”” target=”_blank”Dot’s Facebook/a for updates) with 30 seats (double the current capacity).span /span/p
pspanThe plan is to open for lunch /spanspan class=”aBn”span class=”aQJ”(11am to 3pm)/span/span and dinner (span class=”aBn”span class=”aQJ”5pm to 10 pm), and James says, “We may/span/span go back to being closed on Mondays and Tuesdays in order to do classes and private dinners, but that is yet to be determined.span /spanstrongLunch will be more or less the same as we do now/strong, sandwiches and sides to eat in or take out.span /spanstrongDinner will be French bistro inspired food and service/strong.span”br //span/p
pAnd get this: stronga href=”http://\/\/” target=”_blank”Missspan /spanAnna Wallace/a (current bar manager at Walrus and Carpenter, and one of our 2013 Tastemakers) is joining the new Dot’s as front of house manager/strong. She’ll user her cocktail crafting gifts, of course, to make, “some top-notch aperitifs,” James said.spannbsp; /span/p
pspanstrongAnd in other, more personal news:/strong After six years, I have decided to move on from my post as Food Dining editor of Seattle Magazine to pursue some personal projects I’ve been excited about for some time, and to write freelance. You’ll continue to see my byline here at the magazine for as long as they’ll have me, and hopefully elsewhere as well. nbsp; /span/p
pspanThe best part of this job, aside from working with the smart, funny, hard-working editors at Seattle Magazine and *eating for a living* (which is an incredible coup; I recommend it very much), has been celebrating the a href=”http://\/\/” target=”_blank”talented up-and-comers/a in this town, as well as the chefs who work tirelessly to keep a href=”http://\/\/” target=”_blank”more established places at the absolute top of their game/a. Seattle is a great eating city, and it gets better every month. /spanspan/span/p
pspanThe new Food Dining Editor will be announced in the coming month or so. In the meantime, if you’re so inclined, please find me at; /span/p
pspanHere’s to living bigger and better in 2014! br //span/p
pspanHappy new year, and thanks for reading. br //span/p


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