10 Things We Love About Seattle Summers

Or, ways in which a few hours of sunshine make Seattleites go a little crazy.

By Seattle Magazine Staff May 23, 2012


This article originally appeared in the June 2012 issue of Seattle magazine.


1. It’s yet another opportunity to recycle! (Remember that tube of sunscreen you didn’t finish last summer?)

2. Late sunsets mean you can work on your backyard chicken coop until 10 p.m.

3. Lake Washington has a very low incidence of shark attacks.

4. You can now wear your Tevas without socks. (Wait! Hideous winter toes revealed. Put socks back on!)

5. Instead of telling visitors, “Really, there is a giant mountain behind those clouds,” you can actually point to Mount Rainier.

6. You paid good money for those tattoos—time to show ’em off. Whip off a layer of fleece and bare your arms.

7. Swap those rain-drenched traffic snarls for “sunshine slowdowns.”

8. Your commute is enlivened by kazoo-wielding tourists aboard “Ride the Ducks” amphibious landing craft.

9. After-work kayaking is now considered “normal.” Watch out for hydroplanes!

10. Bicycling: It’s not just for hard-core cyclists anymore—and for some, it’s clothing-optional.


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