Food & Drink

Introducing Paperbuttons: Digital Share Tools for Print

The January 2013 issue debuts Paperbuttons, share tools for print!

By Seattle Mag December 13, 2012


This article originally appeared in the January 2013 issue of Seattle magazine.


Paperbuttons is a new, locally developed app debuting exclusively in Seattle magazine, which allows you to share and save digital versions of print articles you’re reading—without having to give up your magazine or even leave your chair.

Start using Paperbuttons when you pick up your copy of the January issue of Seattle magazine.

Here’s how it works:

1. Download the free Paperbuttons app from the iTunes App Store. Open the app and click on the e-mail icon to enter your e-mail address. Click on the Facebook icon to link to your Facebook account.

2. Enjoy the issue with your iPhone at your side. (An Android version is also in the works.)

3. Find a story you love? If it has a Paperbuttons icon and bar code, scan it with your iPhone, using the Paperbuttons app.

4. Now, three things can happen:

SHARE on Facebook: If you have the Facebook icon highlighted, a link to the article will be posted to your Facebook wall and shared with your friends, who can read the article online. If you don’t want to post to Facebook, turn off the Facebook icon before scanning. SAVE to your iPhone: Paperbuttons will also save a digital version of the article to your “Buttonjar” (sort of like a bookmarks folder, where you can reference all your saved articles whenever you want). E-MAIL the article to yourself: A link to the article will also be e-mailed to you. If you don’t want an e-mail, turn off the e-mail icon before scanning.



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