Homemade Eggnog at Sun Liquor

Celebrate the season with a delicious local take on an eggy tradition.

By Seattle Mag November 13, 2012


This article originally appeared in the December 2012 issue of Seattle magazine.


It’s become a holiday ritual for Sun Liquor bartender Erik Chapman.

Sometime around Thanksgiving, he mixes up a batch of real, homemade eggnog, the kind with raw yolks, cream, sugar, bourbon and brandy (and he sometimes spills a little rum or other spirit in there, too, for good measure) to serve to customers on Christmas Eve and Christmas.

The first batch Chapman made (seven years ago) filled a single punch bowl. Demand has since grown so much that now he makes sure to have at least 60 gallons in the refrigerator, aging, until mellow and perfect.

Come Christmas Eve, Chapman whisks the mixture into silky smooth perfection and tops with nutmeg. Nog starts flowing at 5 p.m. on Christmas Eve and 7 p.m. on Christmas. Cheers.

Sun Liquor Lounge, Capitol Hill, 607 Summit Ave.; 206.860.1130; Sun Liquor Distillery, downtown, 514 Pike St.; 206.720.1600; sunliquor.com





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