Food & Drink

If You Eat One More Ice Cream Cone This Summer, Eat This One

By Seattle Mag September 4, 2012



So, Labor Day happened. I guess that means summer is unofficially over, but I’m not buying it yet. And according to a pretty inspiring weather forecast for the rest of this week, neither is the sun. For those of you who aren’t quite satisfied with the amount of summer you got over the last three months, the reminder that the official end of the season doesn’t come until September 21st should be a welcome one. Clearly, what this all means is that a) the sun is still out, and b) you should eat more ice cream.

Yesterday, this is the ice cream I ate: A scoop of Bluebird’s salted caramel ice cream on a pretzel cone (yes, I said pretzel cone) with hot fudge by new local fave Seattle Sweets & Co. and, of course, rainbow sprinkles on top.

It’s a perfect tribute to summer’s final days: the sweet, sticky flavor of caramel, the contrast of the warm chocolate being cooled as it moves over the surface of the cold ice cream, and the hint of saltiness as a preview of fall’s savory days to come. It’s a messy treat – and that’s a good thing. Go ahead and let the ice cream drip down the side of the cone. Licking the creamy caramel goodness off the bumpy texture of the salted pretzel surface is a total geek-out for your tongue.

Who is responsible for this piece of ultimate summer glory? You can thank Sweet Mickey’s, Ballard’s adorable new candy shop. It’s even right next to a sunny park with a fountain. It’s still summer there, too.

Sweet Mickey’s, 2230 NW 57th St,


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