Food & Drink

Top Chef Seattle Debuts in November, But Where’s the Local Talent?

By Seattle Mag September 19, 2012



Hello, hello. Master of the Obvious here to report that Bravo has just “revealed” that Season 10 of Top Chef will be located in Seattle. Herm… I think a little birdy might’ve broken that news earlier this summer?

The show debuts November 7th at 10pm. And naturally, first thing I did when I got the press release was search the lineup for a local cheftestant.

But, wow. Not only are there no Seattle chefs competing, there’s no one from Portland, no one from Idaho, or Montana, or anywhere in the entire left-upper hunk of the US. Well represented: Dallas, with three chefs, and Colorado, also with three.

One has to assume this is strategy, right? You can’t have 20 cheftestants with fraidy-cat eyes and one confidant nodder–figures, he’s from Seattle–when the inevitable geoduck challenge gets popped. Plus the producers have to pitch Colicchio that treat-the-product-with-respect lob, an opportunity to smack down some Texan for not knowing how to cook Alaskan sockeye properly.

So, I guess all that’s left is to decide what our Top Chef Seattle drinking games should be. A couple of options: Joke about how it’s always raining? DRINK. Mentions of Starbucks/coffee: Drink. “Funny” mispronunciations of local town names? Gotta run. I need to stock my bar.



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