Food & Drink

The Local Renaissance Faire Gets a Makeover

Regal knights, saucy wenches and eye-pacthed pirates.

By Seattle Mag July 20, 2011


This article originally appeared in the August 2011 issue of Seattle magazine.


The Washington Midsummer Renaissance Faire cometh—now with pirates! This year, in addition to ye olde lineup of regal knights, saucy wenches and creepy jesters, organizers have added eye-patched, “arrrg”-spewing mateys to the mix. We suspect it’s a blatant attempt to widen the crowd appeal, and we’ve got a few ideas of our own for how to get more Seattleites to the fest. 8/6–8/7, 8/13–8/14, 8/20–8/21, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Prices vary. Kelley Farm, 20021 Sumner-Buckley Highway, Bonney Lake; 800.587.0172;  B.D.

Zombie jousting: Embrace the undead craze (while you still have two arms!) by cheering on your favorite zombie as she or he shuffles endlessly toward a knight in shining armor.

Mead brewing master class: Learn the artisan craft of making mead, then lord it over your friends struggling to make wine in their basements. (BYO ironic stein.)

Lute jam: Don’t miss these bearded boys playing the precursor to grunge: filth.

Portland-Potties: What better way to vent your feelings about our neighbors to the south?

Wormhole to the magical new world of coffee: Grab a steaming mug of black witches’ brew from a college grad in a green apron.

WiFi mud pit: Trudge in, recharge and update your Facebook status—from the past!

Head on a Pike…: Place Market Marking the faire entrance, this medieval take on a Seattle landmark is a nod to fresh produce, local crafts and gruesome taunting.

Locavore turkey legs: There’s no reason why you can’t do your slobbery Henry VIII impression with a humanely raised, gently slaughtered bird.


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