Food & Drink

Eat Yourself Silly this Sunday at the 12th Avenue Festival

By Seattle Mag August 10, 2011



Today I accidentally referred to the 12th Avenue Festival as the 12th Avenue Food Festival in conversation. Same difference, if you ask me. There’s so, so much good to eat on that street.

This Sunday, from noon until 6pm, 12th Avenue between Madison and Pike Streets will shut down so that hungry folks like you and I can eat ourselves silly. At last count, 19 restaurants (including Skillet, Ba Bar, Lark, Bluebird, Kokeb, Tavern Law and Presse) will serve $5 and under dishes.

Capitol Hill retailers along that stretch will also be out and proud, even newcomers like Oola Distillery and Barre3.
Keep an eye on the festival’s Facebook page, which is updated regularly, for late additions to the lineup. See you there? Parking ought to be…fun.


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