Food & Drink

Dreams Do Come True at Bumbershoot: The Best Reader Entries from Our Platinum Pass Contest

Our favorite reader entries from the Bumbershoot tickets giveaway

By Seattle Magazine Staff August 30, 2011




We asked readers to share their favorite memories of Bumbershoots past – and their most vivid fantasies of future Bumbershoots. The most outstanding entry on our Facebook would receive a free pair of Platinum Passes to the 2011 festival.

We had a fantastic response – and the editors had great fun reading the posts, so  we had to share. Here are the “runners up”  (and the winner) from our Bumbershoot giveaway:

My favorite Bumbershoot memory was watching the sign language interpreter try to keep up with the Black Eyed Peas in 2009.  –Ally

…the year I worked a friend’s food booth. I had two friends watch my then 8-year-old daughter while I worked. Expecting her to be returned to me at a certain hour, one friend came back empty-handed and told me, “Your daughter is busking to a crowd.” She had seen a handmade stuffed rabbit she wanted in the Indie Market, and—having no $$$—she decided to earn it. She told stories until she earned the $28. She was then returned to me, happy and with her new stuffed bunny, and inspired by her experience.  –Sue


My favorite memory was going to Bumbershoot QUITE pregnant and seeing Elvis Costello in the Coliseum—my belly vibrated! I’ve always suspected that’s why my daughter has such a cool vibe.  –Robin

I’m hoping to be pulled up on stage by Macklemore!  –Grace

Seeing Koko Taylor, play at the Mural stage—there’s nothing like some good old Chicago blues! When the show was over, I bought a CD out of an old beat-up van from her father, also known as “Papa.”  –Jayma

…my first attendance [in 1997] when you could hear bands, see traditional artists, attend author readings and see PNB perform all for $10/day. Michael Ondaatje was there and signed a copy of The English Patient for me. A cherished keepsake. –Amy

I hope to be asked to do a drum solo during Broken Social Scene’s set, despite their having tons of band members and my complete lack of drumming ability. That, or just have fun at the fest while enjoying the VIP experience. I’d settle for either. –Ryan

The year was 2005 and we had just seen Nick Swardson for the first time. After the show we went outside, standing just outside the exit. Not even 5 minutes later, Swardson walks out and no one seems to notice. So next thing I know, I’m ten minutes into a convo with one of my favorite comedians. He pulls out his wallet joking, “Let’s see…what could I give you as a souvenir, hmmm, I have some cash… Oh, here you go.” He hands me his list of jokes he performed that night. My brain nearly blew up. It was pretty amazing.  –Steve

My favorite moment at Bumbershoot was getting lost in an Aimee Man concert crowd when I was 5. I searched for what felt like hours, until I finally thought I found my mom. After grabbing the leg of who I thought was my mom. It was a long-haired man instead. –Tom

… several years ago, I stopped in to see one band that I barely knew, intending to stay for a song or two, but stayed for the entire set, stayed afterwards to meet them, and built a friendship with them that carries over to today (and I met them almost 10 years ago!). Mountain Con is a very important band in my life, and because of them, my views on music and the industry flipped on its head. I made friends, I became a legend to the one member that I didn’t meet for years (somehow I always missed one when they left), and it will always stick with me. I’ve met a lot of other crazy people in nearly a decade since meeting Mountain Con, but they’ve had the biggest impact on my life, and it’s all because of Bumbershoot!  –Berlin

I’ve never been and have only heard the music from my nearby apt building. My fav memory would be actually seeing the bands! –Kiera

And our winner is….

My best Bumbershoot memory is also one of my best memories! Bumbershoot 1994: I had just turned 4, and I remember watching Bruce Cockburn play. I sat on top of my dad’s shoulders so I could see. It’s my 21st birthday this weekend, and I’d love to pay back the kindness to my dad and take him to see the shows!  –Sabine

Got to love a 21-year-old looking to celebrate with her dad as a thank you present. Thanks again to everyone who participated and, of course, to Bumbershoot! To find out about future contests, follow Seattle mag on Facebook and Twitter – or our promotional arm, Inside Seattle.

Some responses were edited for length and clarity.


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