Food & Drink

Men Up to Their Elbows in Mud: Geoduck Hunting on The Perennial Plate

By Seattle Mag August 31, 2011



The folks at The Perennial Plate are on a foraging kick, similar to our Cook’s Adventures: Eat from the Sea piece in the August issue. They just released a new video on their website about three natural ingredients that can be (somewhat) easily found near the ocean on the West Coast: greens, giant clam and – why wasn’t this obvious before? – salt.

Seattle mag’s fav forager and regular contributor Langdon Cook is featured in the video (3:46) in his element: elbow deep in rich, watery mud, hunting for geoducks.

It’s a fun video, with helpful tips for cooking with all the “found” goods.

Thanks to our food editor, Allison Austin Scheff for the tip!


The Perennial Plate Episode 68: A Tale of Three Seasides from Daniel Klein on Vimeo.


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