Seattle Culture

Washington State Troopers Cracking Down on Annoying Drivers

The Washington State Patrol is putting "campers" on notice.

By Michael Rietmulder June 20, 2017



Don’t be that guy. You know the one (or maybe you’re the one) cruising 10 mph under the speed limit in the far left lane, completely oblivious to the procession of fury stuck behind him.

It’s enough to make even the timidest Washington driver swell with restrained rage.

Fortunately, this week the Washington State Patrol is cracking down on this societal scourge. Starting Tuesday, troopers will be on the lookout for left lane “campers”—those clogging up far left passing lanes. Tickets for the offense as heinous as ordering 12 complicated lattes during the morning Starbucks rush can cost up to $136. So, do your bank account (and the rest of us) a favor and scoot on over.

Despite what your last I-405 voyage might lead you to believe, the boys in navy blue pulled over more than 16,400 offenders last year. Not surprisingly, it’s one of the most common complaints troopers hear from motorists.

The special enforcement period only runs through Thursday, but take heed throughout the summer road trip season. Let this goofy PSA video serve as your warning instead of a $136 slap on the wrist.


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