Food & Drink

True or False: Do These Seattle Business Services Exist?

Are these for real? Or did we make them up? In everything-goes Seattle, deciding may be harder than you think

By Chelsea Lin September 14, 2018


This article originally appeared in the September 2018 issue of Seattle magazine.


This article appears in print in the September 2018 issue. Click here to subscribe.

It’s a great time to be a Seattleite: Pot is legal! You can get cookies delivered to your door! A stranger will scoop your dog’s poop out of the yard before another stranger mows the lawn! These days, there seems to be a product or service for anything and everything. Put your BS detector to work with our test below to decide if these ideas are real or fake:

a) WineBlock: A lip and tooth balm to prevent wine stains

b) Bone-broth pops: Icy cold pops made of bone broth, perfect for obnoxious foodies’ summertime snacking

c) Loopie Laundry: Like Uber, but instead involves paying a stranger to pick up and wash your laundry (and quietly judge you on your sock stink)

d) ESR ToGo: An all-pasta meal delivery service from Ethan Stowell

e) SniffSpot: Like Airbnb, but for open outdoor areas where your dog can romp

Key: a) Real, and real weird (; b) Unfortunately, real (; c) Real, and we’re open to it if they can get coffee stains out (; d) Fake, though a terrific idea; e) Totally real, and local, too (


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