Food & Drink

Modernist Cuisine’s Gallery Shows a Different Side of Food 美食广场:现代主义烹饪画廊展现别样美食

新“现代主义烹饪”(Modernist Cuisine) 画廊高调展示Nathan Myhrvold空灵超然的美食摄影 The new Modernist Cuisine gallery shows off the otherworldly food photography of Nathan Myhrvold

By Gwendolyn Elliott & Chelsea Lin January 11, 2019


This article originally appeared in the Seattle Mandarin Guide 2019 西雅图中文生活方式指南 issue of Seattle magazine.


不管你是否热衷使用转谷氨酰胺酶和柠檬酸钠在家烹饪,你都很可能听说过本地食神Nathan Myhrvold或者至少看过他引人注目的摄影作品Myhrvold曾任微软首席技术官也曾师从斯蒂芬霍金进行宇宙学博士后研究工作 他一直醉心于厨艺迄今为止,他出版了4,包括令人印象深刻的长达5卷、重达50磅的现代主义烹饪技术大部头,以及2017出版的一本关于面包的制作烹饪书;曾让已故的名厨、作家及主持人Anthony Bourdain惊叹不已Myhrvold创建的位于贝尔维尤(Bellevue)美食和科学实验室现代主义烹饪” (Modernist Cuisine因十足的创意和万卡巧克力世界般的神奇魔力举世闻名 Modernist Cuisine的同名美食摄影书荣获2011詹姆比尔德 (James Beard Award美食摄影书大奖。 

Modernist Cuisine画廊201811正式开启,主要展览 Myhrvold美食摄影作品在一个充斥着业余美食图片的时代多谢了Instagram),人们对他的摄影作品追捧有加、热情不减正不断地成就着他的画廊帝业——其第四家画廊也将于加州La Jolla开业在摄影作品里,Myhrvold总是对美食行极尽放大之能事,呈现的效果让人不禁联想到遥远的星系或干旱的地貌。所以,在一张香脆面包的照片里,你能看到沙漠拱丘Myhrvold希望他的美食摄影作品可以吊足观众们对奇胃口你没有意识到你在吃纪念碑谷,是吗?”他问道 

画廊地址:1403 First Ave;开放时间:上午10 点至下午6每天营业;免费参观电话: 206.623.1226; 网址: 

Whether or not you’re into cooking with transglutaminase and sodium citrate at home, you’ve probably heard of—or at the very least seen the striking images from—local food wizard Nathan Myhrvold. Former chief technology officer at Microsoft and onetime postdoctoral cosmology researcher with Stephen Hawking, Myhrvold likes to play with his food. He has launched four books, including the impressive five-volume, 50-pound tome on modernist cooking techniques, with a follow-up bread book due out this year; wowed the late Anthony Bourdain; and created a Wonka-like buzz around its world-famous Bellevue food and science lab, Modernist Cuisine—which shares the name of his 2011 James Beard Award–winning book of food photography. Myhrvold opened the Modernist Cuisine gallery (10 a.m.–6 p.m. daily; free; downtown, 1403 First Ave.; 206.623.1226;, also devoted to his food photography, in November. In an era saturated with amateur food pics—thanks, Instagramviewers seem hungry enough for these photographs to support his expanding empire of galleries (his fourth, in La Jolla, California, is set to open soon). Myhrvold hopes his hypermagnified images of food, which often resemble distant galaxies or parched landscapes, such as the desert arches that seem to appear in an image of a crusty loaf of bread, will whet his viewers’ appetites for wonder. “You didn’t realize you were eating Monument Valley, did you?” he asks.    

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