Dr. Pepper Schwartz

Heartbeat: How Corvin Saved My Marriage

Heartbeat: How Corvin Saved My Marriage

There are many ways to further your own happiness

Well, of course the headline is an overstatement, but really, this column is all about finding a way to cope with differences about things you love to do that are deeply satisfying to you but will not, or cannot, be shared with your partner. So how does Corvin fit in here? Corvin is this great…

Heartbeat: The Marriage Malaise

Heartbeat: The Marriage Malaise

Marriage rates are as low as they’ve been in a century. Here’s why it matters.

Is marriage becoming a bridge too far? I’ve been thinking about marriage lately. Or non-marriage, as it turns out. The stats for the last couple of years show fewer people marrying than a decade ago, people marrying later, and that while married people are happier than unmarried people, surveys show they are not as happy…

Heartbeat: Let’s Talk. Or Not.

Heartbeat: Let’s Talk. Or Not.

Is conversation a lost art? The younger generation prefers texting over talking.

Welcome to my world! This is my first column (to be followed by others and podcasts). I spend a lot of time thinking about intimate relationships. If you’ve read any of my previous work as a professor at the University of Washington, or watched me on television, you know that I care about what keeps…

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