Shin Yu Pai

Trailblazing Women: Shin Yu Pai

Trailblazing Women: Shin Yu Pai

Civic poet of Seattle, Host KUOW's Ten Thousand Things

I made the decision to move back to Seattle in 2012, after working in arts jobs in the Austin, Texas, and Little Rock, Arkansas, areas. I’d worked here as a grad student in the University of Washington museology program and loved the small, community-based cultural organizations that characterize our city — like the Wing Luke Museum or the Densho Project — institutions that focus on storytelling…

Hot New Books for Summer

Hot New Books for Summer

Susan Lieu, Ijeoma Oluo, and Sasha taqʷšəblu LaPointe release compelling, transformative works

In her debut memoir, The Manicurist’s Daughter, Seattle playwright and performer Susan Lieu, best known for her autobiographical solo show, 140 LBS: How Beauty Killed My Mother, recounts the tale of losing her mother…

Feeding Ghosts to Free Them

Feeding Ghosts to Free Them

Artist Tessa Hulls creates a revealing graphic novel to help her deal with childhood trauma

Seattle artist Tessa Hulls’ new graphic novel Feeding Ghosts is a deeply stirring narrative of loss, mental illness, and intergenerational trauma. She says that she wrote it to answer this question: What broke my family? Much of the book is about repetition, and how three generations of women in Hulls’ family were emotionally crippled by an isolation that kept them from experiencing belonging. She also came to the project as an attempt to heal her relationship with her own mother…

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