Food & Drink

Capitol Hill Car Ban, Maple Leaf Fire & More News

The top Seattle news stories you should be reading today

By Alene Bouranova July 22, 2015



Interactivity: Seattle and construction go hand in hand–so much so, apparently, that city officials have launched an interactive map of construction projects around the city. The handy Shaping Seattle map gives viewers full information about each project, including sketches and timelines. It’s even mobile-friendly!

Neighborhood Fires: A fire in Maple Leaf damaged four homes early this morning, says KOMO News. Fire officials says the fire started in a home under construction but don’t yet know the cause. Luckily, everyone made it out safely– firefighters even rescued one family’s pet lizard. For more details, click here.

School Start: The Seattle School District is considering changing start times for its schools, says The Seattle Times. An advisory committee recommends starting elementary schools earlier and high schools and middle schools later to give teenagers more sleep. Where was this idea when I was in high school?! Read more here.

Cap Hill Car Ban: You’re going to need to Uber it to Capitol Hill from now on. The city will start tesing a car-free zone in Capitol Hill on Saturday nights, says KOMO News. From 10 p.m. to 3 a.m., East Pike Street between Broadway and 12th Ave. will be open to pedestrians only. Supporters of the ban hope it will curb the “pandemonium” caused by the neighborhood’s nightlife scene. Read the full story here.


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