Food & Drink

Chipotles Reopen, Seattle Prepares for Storms

The top Seattle news stories you should be reading today

By Kate Murphy November 11, 2015



Local Chipotles Are Back in Service: 43 Washington and Oregon Chipotles reopened their doors yesterday following an E. coli outbreak that affected 49 people. Health officials are still unable to locate the outbreak’s source, but, unfortunately, this is not uncommon with foodborne-illnesses. In the time it takes to trace an illness, the tainted perishable food is likely already gone. However, this lack of an identifiable source does not mean there is a heightened risk to consumers. Last week, we reported that Seattle-area Chipotles were undergoing extensive cleaning and sanitation, making the risk of contacting the illness significantly less likely than three weeks ago when the outbreak was initially reported.

Here Comes the Rain: Beginning mid morning today, Seattle will be in the throes of a 48-hour storm that is expected to bring significant rain into the city. KOMO News reports: “While the lowlands are expected to get about 1-2 inches of rainfall (clear those storm drains! That’s plenty of rain for urban leaf/street flooding), the mountains are expected to get between 5-8 inches, with perhaps some spots in the North Cascades getting a full 10-12″ of rain.” The storm will also carry strong winds, with an estimated 40-45 mph in the Puget Sound region. A much colder storm will arrive next Tuesday, hopefully bringing an abundance of snow to the Cascades.

Following a weekend filled with harassment, a coalition of Capitol Hill queer groups will come together to remind the public about the 
difficulties still facing LGBTQ communities and inform residents about resources they can turn to for help. This Saturday, volunteers will 
walk Capitol Hill with suicide prevention materials, including cards and posters. The effort, titled “Pride Lives,” aims to address community 
needs in hopes of building a safer neighborhood for all.

“Pride Lives” to Help Suicide Prevention: Following a harassment-filled weekend, a coalition of Capitol Hill queer groups will come together to remind the public about the difficulties still facing LGBTQ communities and inform residents about resources they can turn to for help. This Saturday, volunteers will walk Capitol Hill with suicide prevention materials, including cards and posters. The effort, titled “Pride Lives,” aims to address community needs in hopes of building a safer neighborhood for all Capitol Hill residents.

Make Way, Facial Recognition; Emotion Detection is Here: Microsoft recently released a new tool that is capable of analyzing and identifying human emotions. Currently, the tool is used to determine emotions in photographs. As GeekWire reporter Jacob Demmitt explains, “The software sends Microsoft still images and receives back a numeric score that rates the degree to which each face shows eight different emotions: anger, contempt, fear, disgust, happiness, neutral, sadness or surprise.” The release is part of Microsoft’s Project Oxford, which aims to make sophisticated tools available to developers for free.


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