Food & Drink

Earthquake Panic, Parking Drama & More News

The top Seattle news stories you should be reading today

By Alene Bouranova July 15, 2015



The Big One: Seen this New Yorker article posted on Facebook yet? Are you convinced you and everything you love will be reduced to rubble by The Earthquake to End All Earthquakes? Well, you’re not alone (Seriously, take a scroll through Twitter. Everyone’s terrified). Luckily, this Reddit AMA with Northwest seismology experts puts to rest some of these worries and offers some key disaster survival tips. Take notes. And a deep breath– it’s going to be okay.

Weekend Bites: Attention, foodlovers! This weekend marks the return of everyone’s favorite free food event: Bite of Seattle. Starting at 11 a.m. Friday, Seattle Center will be transformed into a foodie paradise with samples from some of the city’s top restaurants. As the event posters remind us, “You can’t spell ‘Seattle’ without ‘eat.'” Touché. Check out the event program here.

Parking Problems: As if parking downtown couldn’t get any worse– KOMO News reports the city is seeing an upswing in parking garage crimes. According to police, thieves are increasingly targeting private parking garages, taking valuables from cars and storage lockers. Police urge residents to take heightened security measures. Visit the SPD website for some useful tips and tricks.

Real-Life Angry Birds: Seriously, don’t even bother trying to park in the city anymore. Or at least stay away from parking garages; according to KOMO News, a territorial mama seagull is divebombing anyone who parks too close to her nest in Goat Hill Garage. Read the full story here.

Booming Home Market: According to Puget Sound Business Journal, over half of the Seattle homes put on the market in June sold in nine days or less. That’s unbelievably fast, especially considering this Magnolia home has been on the market for a whopping 194 days. Tough break, Magnolia. Get more details about the home market boom here.


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