Food & Drink

Find the Perfect Drink at These Seattle Cocktail Bars 西雅图豪华鸡尾酒吧:浅酌慢饮最佳去处

品尝这些琼浆玉液 Try these sumptuous sippers

By AJ Rathbun February 1, 2019


This article originally appeared in the Seattle Mandarin Guide 2019 西雅图中文生活方式指南 issue of Seattle magazine.


没有特权的平等主义在西雅图颇有市场——比如不以“帽”取人 酒吧里某位坐在您旁边身着牛仔裤的人可能是位互联网百万新贵,也可能是位咖啡师。 我们的酒吧有时反映了这种文化:供应最高端鸡尾酒的酒吧不见得装饰富丽堂皇当然也不要因此被搞糊涂了 如果在本市尝试豪华鸡尾酒请不妨考虑下列绝佳的选 

Canon收藏着全球最好的烈酒,同时为世界排名前50酒吧之一,可谓西雅图鸡尾酒皇冠上最璀璨颗明珠。 酒吧内部设计上世纪二十年代风格,在这里可喝上高端烈酒和罕见饮品,包括售价650美元的Sazerac鸡尾酒,由1935年的干邑白兰地 (Cognac)1945年的Monticello黑麦威士忌、苦酒和1940年前后的Pernod苦艾酒调制而成想喝纯的烈酒?那就试试售价为1,051美元的The Ghost of Pappy Past 套酒,包括三种二十世纪中期的Old Fitzgerald 波本威士忌。Capitol Hill, 928 12th Avenue; 

Fog Room位于Charter Hotel酒店的16楼,它是一个让人彰显存在感的地方同时是欣赏市中心最佳景观的地方。 装饰优雅而闪亮有很多镜子和时尚别致矮沙发除了有颜值,还舒适宜人 这里的改装版微丝朋 (Vesper鸡尾酒是上佳的选择该款酒用顶级的Monkey 47杜松子酒,Absolut 亦乐 (Elyx伏特加Kina l’Aero d’Or调制而成。 正如菜单上所写的那样就是邦德007来了,也会醉了 Downtown, 1610 2nd Ave; 206.256.7525; 

在Canlis这个西雅图的地标餐厅就餐或许需要提前两三个月预定,但您却可以随时到它时尚奢华的酒廊浅尝慢饮 (Aaron Leitz)

Canlis的传奇声誉主要来自于美食料理,但不要因此错过这里的鸡尾酒头号调酒师James MacWilliams他的伙伴调制精致的鸡尾酒,提供珍贵的威士忌(如Ardbeg1974 Connoisseurs Choice,每杯210美元)。 如果想要价值4,800美元一瓶的1996Krug 起泡酒,那就来这里 酒廊品酒无需预订。 Queen Anne, 2576 Aurora Ave N;206.283.3313;

想要享受私密氛围,那就来Needle and Thread,但一定要先行预约到达地址后穿过奢华的Tavern Law神秘的古董电话和银行金库大门,进入地下酒吧。这里没有调酒师询问您的偏好和心情然后用一流的料调制一杯独一无二的饮品(每杯20美元 Capitol Hill, 1406 12th Ave;206.322.9734; 

The Nest酒吧的“丝绸之路”鸡尾酒含有罗望子、小豆蔻、盐肤木果等异域香料,仔细品味历史留下的点点滴滴 (Thompson Seattle)

Nest是另一家位于市中心高层酒吧 汤普森酒店的顶层 这里坐拥美景,吸引了众多活力四射顾客 如果想用一金鸟杯共享一份饮品(都会想吧),可以试试Absolut 亦乐(Elyx伏特加、独家朗姆混合木槿和普罗赛克葡萄酒调制的圣火烈鸟 (Holy Flamingo)每杯150美元)。 Downtown, 110 Stewart Street; 206.512.1096;   

Seattle can be very egalitarian – the person next to you at the bar wearing jeans could be an internet millionaire or a barista. Our bars reflect this, which means sometimes those with the highest-end cocktails don’t sparkle with gold accents. However, don’t be confused – if looking for a luxurious drink, the below are fantastic choices. 

Named World’s Best Spirits Selection and one of the Top 50 Bars in World, the Canon is a jewel in Seattle’s cocktail crown. While the design leans 1920s, you’ll find high-end hard-to-find spirts and incredible drinks, including a $650 Sazerac with a 1935 Cognac or 1945 Monticello rye, bitters, and Pernod absinthe circa 1940. Drinking straight? Try The Ghost Of Pappy Past ($1,051), a Kentucky homage featuring three 1950s Old Fitzgerald bourbons.  Capitol Hill, 928 12th Avenue;

Fog Room  
On the Charter Hotel’s 16th floor, this is a place to be seen and to catch downtown’s best views. The décor is classy and shimmery – think mirrors and chic low-slung couches – without being uncomfortable. Their Vesper variation is a good cocktail bet, with top-shelf Monkey 47 gin, Absolut Elyx, and Kina l’Aero d’Or. As the menu says, “Even James Bond would blush.” Downtown, 1610 2nd Ave; 206.256.7525; 

Its legendary reputation rests for many on the fine dining, but don’t miss the drinks. Head barman James MacWilliams and staff deliver exquisite cocktails, pour precious whiskey (like Ardbeg’s 1974 Connoisseurs Choice, for $210 a glass). And if you want a $4,800 bottle of Krug 1996 bubbly, here’s the placeYou can roll into the lounge without a reservation, too. Queen Anne, 2576 Aurora Ave N; 206.283.3313; 

Needle and Thread  
For those wanting an exclusive vibe, make a reservation and find your way into this speakeasyaccessible via the dandy Tavern Lawa mysterious antique phone, and a bank vault door. Once in, the bartenders create singular drinks ($20 or more) using first-rate ingredients after asking your preferences – there’s no menu – and moodCapitol Hill, 1406 12th Ave; 206.322.9734; 

The Nest  
Another high-rising downtown bar –on top of the Thompson hotel – the Nest has views and a vibrant clientele. If you’ve always desired a shared drink served in a golden bird (and who hasn’t?), try the Holy Flamingo ($150), with Absolut Elyx, a house rum blend, hibiscus, and proseccoDowntown, 110 Stewart Street; 206.512.1096;

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