Food & Drink

Meet the Producer’s Latest Local Food Stars

By Seattle Mag May 31, 2011



Hey, didja know? We run a column in every single issue featuring a local producer!  Some months it’s a farm, as it is this month: Skagit Sun grows those incredible ruby red Shuksan strawberries you’ll be eating by the handful later this month.

Other times we showcase clever local artisans like Orcas Alchemy, makers of flavored salts (smoked serrano chili, Thai ginger) and sugars (star anise, raspberry); a few months back it was the Rowdy Roja Salsa guys. I have been really digging their salsas during these bad tomato months, although they’re a bit on the sweet side so I recommend stirring in a generous squeeze of lime and some freshly chopped cilantro.

In the summer months we like to feature our local growers, so keep an eye out for blueberry farmers and peach growers. You can find the Meet the Producer columns here or by clicking on the “Local Producer” link under the Dining tab.


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