Food & Drink

Producer Jennifer Roth to Receive Mayor’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Film

By Seattle Mag April 22, 2011



We can’t keep this news under our hats any longer! The recipient of the 2011 Mayor’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Film is… Seattle-based producer Jennifer Roth. Hooray! Roth will be presented with the award at SIFF‘s opening night on May 19th. She’s receiving the prestigious award because she has played a crucial role in getting big budget movies filmed in Seattle, and also because of her tireless dedication to local indie filmmakers. In addition, Roth has gained acclaim nationally for her executive producer roles on films such as Black Swan, The Wrestler, and The Details.

I was thrilled to get the chance to profile Roth for our May issue. Here’s a snippet:

Aside from a framed poster for the movie The Wrestler, nothing about Jennifer Roth’s modest North Capitol Hill home hints that she’s a wildly successful movie producer. Nor does her appearance suggest Hollywood movie maven—at age 47, she allows her gray hair to be just that, and her shoes? Understated and sensible. At home on a rainy spring afternoon, with the radio tuned to KEXP and her husband running out to pick up their 10-year-old daughter, Grey, from school, Roth would seem to be just another Seattle mom.

Read the full story here. What really struck me most about Roth is how down to earth she is. Despite her insanely busy production schedule, she’s also completely devoted to her family here in Seattle, which was sweetly evident when I asked her how she felt about receiving the Mayor’s Award: “The best part of the award,” she said, “is that my daughter will see me receive it.”


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