Food & Drink

Recipe of the Week: Grilled Romaine Lettuce

Salad lovers, rejoice! This grilled romaine lettuce recipe will rock your world

By Compiled by: Kirsten Abel July 20, 2015



Anna Berman, cooking teacher, food stylist and author of the blog Snacking in the Kitchen, wants to tell us about grilled lettuce. “I had my first grilled Caesar salad a few summers ago and was hooked,” Berman says. “The thing is, I don’t have a grill at home, and spent many months without this delicious take on salad,” she says, “and then, almost like in a dream, I thought of trying preparing grilled romaine under a broiler! A miracle of miracles – it worked!”

This simple yet delicious recipe is perfect for a refreshing summer lunch. Make sure to read the full recipe on Berman’s blog here, and follow her cooking adventures on Instagram here.

“Grilled” Romaine Lettuce Salad


  • 1 romaine lettuce
  •  1 tablespoon of olive oil
  •  salt and ground black pepper to taste


1.  Slice romaine in half, lengthwise.

2.  Drizzle with olive oil on the cut side and season with salt and ground black pepper to taste. You can use your favorite seasonings here and spices, but I chose to keep the salad simple and let the natural sweetness of romaine lettuce shine.

3.  Place lettuce on a baking sheet and broil for 3-5 minutes, or until the desired charred is reached. I broiled mine on both sides for extra char.

4.  What’s next is up to you. I topped romaine with diced cucumbers, red bell pepper, crumbled feta and basil. What will you put on your “Grilled” romaine?


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