Food & Drink

Recipe of the Week: Persimmon and Burrata Salad

Rachael Dart’s seasonal interpretation of a caprese salad will have you savoring every bite

By Compiled by Sarah Dotson November 16, 2015



If you’ve ever found yourself in your local grocery store’s produce department pondering the persimmon–a strange orange fruit resembling a tomato–then allow this recipe to quench your curiosity. Local food blogger Rachael Dart, she of Spache the Spatula, used this uncommon ingredient in a bright and flavorful seasonal salad. In her post, Dart explains that she had intended this recipe as an interpretation of a caprese salad that “quickly transformed into a dish that is a fantastic ode to autumn.”

Her recipe combines silky burrata cheese, crispy persimmons, toasted pecans and a pop of pomegranate to create an array of contrasting flavors and textures. This versatile salad can be made as a quick and easy weekday lunch or you can serve it as an appetizer at your next holiday get together. However you choose to enjoy this recipe, Dart has shown us that with a little courage and an open mind, trying something new can be a delicious decision.

Persimmon and Burrata Salad

Yield: 1-4 servings


  • Small handful of pecans, coarsely chopped
  • 3 Fuyu persimmons, sliced into thin circles
  • 1 ball of Burrata cheese
  • Drizzle of fruity extra virgin olive oil
  • Drizzle of balsamic vinegar
  • Small handful of pomegranate arils


  1. In a small pan over medium heat, toast the pecan pieces until lightly browned and fragrant. Set aside.
  2. Arrange the persimmon slices on a plate in a circle. Place the burrata in the center. Drizzle with the olive oil and balsamic, and scatter the pecans and pomegranate over top.


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