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Seahawks vs. Packers: Everybody Type About it in All Caps!

By Seattle Mag September 25, 2012



Wow. So for once while watching football, I wasn’t the only one in the room who had no clue what was going on. Seattle Seahawks’ 14-12 win over the Green Bay Packers has fueled what some predict will be a season-long debate (sure it will, at least until something else interesting happens).

I have no expertise whatsoever to add to the conversation (except this: Brandon Mebane is a fine dancer). But here are a few memorable reactions from people who presumably know what they are talking about:

“This should be remembered as the Hail Mary that ended a labor dispute.” – Steve Kelly, Seattle Times

“It was the theater of the absurd.” -Gregg Rosenthal,

“The craziest ending to an NFL game you will ever see.” –Bennett Spector, Bleacher Report

“F—- it NFL.. Fine me and use the money to pay the regular refs.” –TJ Lang on Twitter

Undocumented: Seattle fans everywhere shrugging their shoulders and asking “What controversy?”

Seattle PI has rounded up other memorable reactions.

Also, spotted this little gem on Twitter. True sports fans may find it more painful than funny.


This post has been updated since its original publication.


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