Food & Drink

Seattle Installation Artists SuttonBeresCuller Throw a Surprise Party at On the Boards

By Seattle Mag September 15, 2011



Tonight is opening night of the new season at local performance venue On the Boards, and I’m thrilled to go see … well… I have no idea what I’ll be seeing, actually, but I’m excited for the surprise.

At some point mid-summer, Seattle installation artists SuttonBeresCuller (John Sutton, Ben Beres and Zac Culler) were given the keys to On the Boards and permission to transform the entire venue however they chose. If you’ve seen any of the group’s previous work, you know this means a lot more than rearranging the chairs. In 2005, they stranded themselves on a homemade island in the middle of Lake Washington. In 2006, they built an exact replica of a Chinese restaurant (including a dumpster behind it) inside Lawrimore Project. In July, for Mad Homes, they bound two Capitol Hill bungalows together using two miles of red webbing. What on earth have they done to On the Boards? (And will they be able to put it back together in time for OTB’s first fall show?) I can’t wait to find out.

9/15–9/18. 7–10 p.m. Prices vary. On the Boards, 100 W Roy;


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