Food & Drink

Summer Reading

What doctors are reading off the clock

By Seattle Mag August 5, 2014



Spring and summer puts us in mind of sun and light reading fare—so we wanted to ask some of the busiest professionals we know, doctors, to confess to their guilty pleasure reads—the books or magazines that help them unwind from high-intensity days. We’re not entirely convinced that some of the more serious fare quoted qualifies as “unwinding” per se (we’re looking at you, Dr. Swensen!), but we’ll take their word for it—and perhaps take them up on the recommendation.

“I’m in two book clubs and enjoy magical fiction and mystery/adventure. I recently read The Night Circus and just finished Gone Girl. —Yolanda N. Evans, M.D. M.P.H. Adolescent Medicine, Seattle Children’s

I love to read People and US magazine, fun to keep up and feel normal. But my favorite [guilty pleasure] is to play my fiddle in a crowd! —Cora Collette Breuner, M.D., M.P.H., adolescent medicine, Seattle Children’s

“I’m just finishing The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt…am addicted to Vanity Fair; also love Oprah magazine. Always read the entertainment section of The New York Times. I am all about the light, fluffy and frivolous for winding down!” —Darla Klokeid-Foulston, M.D., family medicine physician at The Polyclinic Downtown

“Fashion and food magazines. They help me get through my run on the treadmill and unwind from a busy day.” —Linda Pourmassina, M.D., internal medicine physician at The Polyclinic Madison Center

The Seattle Times (print) for news and nonfiction/history: Bonhoeffer: Pastor Martyr Prophet Spy and The Caning: Assault that drove America to Civil War.” —Dr. Ron Swensen, gynecologic oncologist, Valley Medical Center

“I love to read The New Yorker and Vanity Fair.” —Wendy Sue Swanson, M.D., M.B.E., pediatrics primary care, Seattle Children’s



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