Food & Drink

West Seattle Stands the Line: Mobile Chowdown Recap

By Seattle Mag October 3, 2011



Cheers to everyone who came out to West Seattle Junction and helped make Mobile Chowdown VI a huge success – including the weather.

An estimated 5,000 or more hungry people showed up to enjoy delicious foods from our participating food trucks, which churned out an incredible quantity of food (considering the square footage of kitchen they’re working with), not to mention a delectable range of smells.

I couldn’t believe the upbeat attitudes of people waiting an hour or more in line for a bite to eat. Mobile Chowdown goers have really embraced our “stand the line” concept. Or, there’s just something in the water in West Seattle that contributes to neighborliness.

If you are a dog living in Seattle, this was the place to be seen yesterday. From wiener dogs to Malamutes, I could barely stand the richness of slobbery cuteness throughout the event. They patiently stood the line along with everyone else, in spite of their noses going crazy, no doubt.

Thanks to Seattle’s love for beer, we were able to raise an estimated thousand dollars or more in proceeds for the West Seattle Food Bank at our beer garden (don’t quote me on that – those numbers still being calculated) – and also through our special offer, where 1/2 the cost of a one-year Seattle mag subscription went to benefit the same food bank.

Copies of our October issue (which we gave away free yesterday) were flying off the table. Something about that beer picture – it even made this bee thirsty.

The weather gods clearly love mobile food trucks, because the rain held off until it all wrapped up at 5 p.m., when our cheerful, sunny afternoon got dumped on.

Bad news for our hardworking promo team who had to break it all down in the pouring rain – but good news for the West Seattle Junction businesses who saw the lines for ice cream and beer move inside.

Congrats to Street Donuts, which took the prize for Favorite Food Truck (readers voted via our Facebook photo gallery before the event).

And a big thanks to Ashley, Chris and Jenna of the Seattle mag promo team for pulling this off, along with our partners at Suzuki + Chou Communimedia and, of course, all our lovely interns who helped out on the day.

See you at the next Mobile Chowdown! (Be sure to give us your two cents of where we should hold the next one.)


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