Food & Drink

What’s Next for the Seattle Waterfront? Get a Preview at a Public Meeting Thursday Night

The event will feature a preview of proposed design plans, plus food (to buy) and live music

By Seattle Mag May 19, 2011



While politicians, judges and activists argue over all things tunnel, planners are busily imagining what a post-Viaduct Seattle waterfront will look like. Thursday, at the Bell Harbor Conference Center (2211 Alaskan Way, Seattle), design project lead James Cornwaterfer will present the “first design directions,” which I take to mean “rough draft.”

The public meeting, hosted by the City of Seattle, starts at 6:30, but if you come early (5:00), you can buy dinner from mobile food vendors Maximus/Minimus, Where ya at Matt, and Street Treats.

From the press release: “The design team will introduce ideas for new uses and activities that could make the waterfront a truly great place to be, including event spaces that bring back the magic of the concerts on the pier. Finally, the design team will share ideas on how to make the new waterfront more accessible to other parts of the city, for example by physically connecting the Pike Place Market at Victor Steinbrueck Park to the waterfront near the Aquarium.”

Seattle mag will be there; watch this space tomorrow for an update!


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